Digital Nomad Life Podcast

71) The Emotional Experience of Becoming an Entrepreneur: Elana's Story


Elana started her financial coaching business and then paused to take a corporate job to learn more about her craft and also out of societal pressures. However, her dream of becoming a digital nomad simply just wouldn’t go away. Elana is a goal getter and in the span of one year she has quit her job, raised her networth to $100k at the age of 23 and has now just signed on her first high-paying client.

I wanted to share this episode today because I want to share Elana’s story that starting your own business isn’t a linear journey it is quite the opposite it’s a journey of emotions, ups, and downs, and addressing your hidden shadows. In today’s episode we are going to talk about how becoming a digital nomad and entrepreneur is powerful and emotional, but always worth it.

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CODEWORD:  Emotions Podcast

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Christa: Hey there and welcome to the Digital Nomad Life podcast. I'm your host Christa, also known as @christabellatravels on social media. If you are listening to this episode and you are inspired at any moment in time by my amazing guest who I have here today, her story, or if you just have your own personal questions about becoming a digital nomad, slide into my DMs on Instagram, again, at @christabellatravels and ask away.

Christa: Thanks People sliding into my DMs is actually a way that I get to ultimately work with so many amazing people who have gone on to become freedom focused, self employed digital nomads. People who have the freedom to be where they want to be, spend their time how they want to spend their time, and make as much money as they want to make.

Christa: So this leads me into introducing our guest for today. Her name is Alana. She has been a client of mine for a couple of years now, and she recently just had a massive breakthrough [00:01:00] in her business as a financial coach. I'll have her explain what she does as a financial coach. I think you will be surprised at, uh, how youthful Alana is.

Christa: She is amazing and so incredibly impressive. I will just tease a little bit about this recent accomplishment that she made. But recently this young 20 something woman hit a hundred K net worth and now is building a business teaching other people how to do that. She just got her first client and I am just honestly, I'm so proud.

Christa: So Elana, I can't wait to have you share your story with the listeners. And, I know that we just have a lot of really amazing topics on the agenda today, talking about like, how did you actually make this amount of money? so how did you get to where you are? Why did you decide to pursue your own entrepreneurial lifestyle when clearly you were doing well financially anyway?

Christa: Um, and [00:02:00] also the way that you've been prioritizing, your life and the different aspects of your life to ultimately create the dream that, I know you are swiftly moving closer to. So, with that being said, I know that was a long intro, welcome Alana. 

Elana: Hello, Christa. This is such a treat to be on your podcast.

Elana: I feel honored to share my story and have this platform for listeners to be inspired. 

Christa: Yay. Amazing. 

Christa: can you share this recent massive success that you've just had in your life?

Elana: Oh my gosh, where do I begin? So oh my gosh, this year has been a long time coming. Let me tell you, 2024, January 1st, I wrote down all my goals for the year and I achieved them all by quarter one. So I was like, what now? 

Elana: and I kept like looking for more and I had a financial goal, which was my 100 K net worth by the end of the year. [00:03:00] Okay. And I actually ended up achieving that goal six months sooner than I anticipated. Whoa, 

Christa: whoa, whoa. Okay. So you gave yourself a year to hit 100k net worth, and then you did it way faster than you thought?

Elana: Yes. So I did the math because I was making a 60k salary and I was like, okay, how much do I need to put away every paycheck in order to reach this net worth goal? And I was already at I don't know, 40 K or something. And I was like, okay, I just need to contribute. 2, 500 a month 

Elana: so I knew that my contributions would add up to a hundred K by July, August, but I still gave that run that lead way time.

Elana: Okay. by July, the stock market was rallying so hard this year, at least the first half of the year, so I achieved the goal so much faster than I expected. And that was [00:04:00] really exciting. And then at that point was when I said, okay, now what? And everyone around me was inspiring the heck out of me.

Elana: And I was like, I need to reconnect with my digital nomad community because that's my ultimate lifestyle goal. I don't want to be spending my days looking at a. Um, I have a laptop in a cubicle next to people that aren't like minded as me. 

Elana: And I said, okay, I guess now is the time I have the financial freedom, quote unquote, to quit my job and go all in on my business. So a huge reason why I wasn't working on it or why I put it on pause is because. I joined a company, where I wasn't able to work on my business because it was a conflict of interest.

Christa: Wait, I want to pause you right there because I want to put this conversation [00:05:00] into context because whoever's listening, they haven't met you before. So basically what we know about you so far is that you're someone who decided that she has big goals, physical goals, financial goals, lifestyle goals, and you're just.

Christa: Smashing all of them, basically. But what I'd love to do is actually rewind the clock, maybe to a couple of years ago to when you and I first met, because, um, you know, these goals, like these are all 2024 goals, but you and I met I think in 2022. So, I think a big point that I really want to emphasize in this podcast is that You have to make your priorities very clear and you have to stick to them and be diligent and be focused on it in order to make shit happen.

Christa: So I love what you just said where you're like, what I love about the digital nomad community is that it's people that have big goals that are willing to actually do the work. And, um, let's just talk about the work and [00:06:00] what that even actually means. So, if we rewind the clock a couple of years ago, can you, go back in time to the moment when you and I first met, and can you recall, like, what was happening in your life at the time and what your frame of mind was, what you were dreaming of, maybe the financial situation as well, because obviously that was pretty different than it is now.

Christa: So yeah, can you just take a, take us back to when this all began? I'm so glad you 

Elana: asked. This is my favorite story to tell, so I was a student at UMass Amherst through a robot, Christa. I 

Christa: also went to UMass, which is just such a funny, fun coincidence.

Christa: Love it. 

Elana: And It was my junior year summer going into my senior year, So I got an internship in Chicago and I immediately knew from day one that the 9 to 5 lifestyle was not for me.

Elana: I was really excited for the first day of the [00:07:00] internship where I got to meet fellow interns and just network with people that were professionals. And then they put me at my desk, I sat down and I was like, Oh, okay. So this is. This is it. This is it? Question mark. Um, and it was a cubicle style. And everyone that was coming into work was so stressed.

Elana: They were sleep deprived. They were, busy on, like, all these calls. 

Elana: I was commuting into the office and listening to podcasts all the time. I learned about digital nomad because I was like, I need to travel the world.

Elana: I cannot be confined by these four walls anymore, but I don't know how to do that while making money. So I ended up stumbling upon this. digital nomad thing. And so I looked it up on Spotify because I was listening to podcasts all the time. And I found your podcast, [00:08:00] Krista. 

Christa: This podcast, 

Elana: this podcast, this podcast.

Christa: Wow. 

Elana: And, the way I think you had like six episodes at the time, but the way that I bent them and I was like, she just gets me. You had a masterclass coming up and it was free. So I was like, there's no way I cannot join this. So I went and the most memorable part of that masterclass was the visualization and you led us through.

Elana: A closed eyed process where we visualized ourselves working from our laptops in a cafe somewhere of our choice. where we just felt so full of life. And it brought me to tears because I felt so confined and constricted by the cubicle where there was no nature. There was, people that were just depressed [00:09:00] and, going through the motions of work where there was no fulfillment aspect.

Elana: So when I did that visualization, it opened up this whole new world of possibility for me. And I realized that I needed that. so And just five days later, I invested in your program where I felt such a strong adrenaline rush because The cost of the program was half of the amount that I was earning from my internship.

Elana: Actually after taxes, it was probably like three quarters of the amount that I was earning from my internship. And I was also paying rent, which was like a new expense for me too. but it was this huge energetic exchange that I ran the fastest mile of my life into the Lake Lake, Michigan. And. Yeah, that was the first day.

Elana: I like to call it the first day [00:10:00] of the rest of my life because everything from there changed. 

Christa: Oh, my God, I'm gonna cry. That's thank you so much for sharing that. I don't think I knew that story. wow. Okay, so if anybody is listening, and you're like, let me add this masterclass, you can just scroll into the into the show notes and the actual same one that Alana watched a couple of years ago.

Christa: It's just, it's just a really 10 minute exercise where you will be transported to a moment in your future. That, um, I just love this for you, Lana, now, because, like, you're really making it happen. And you are making it happen. And just, I also love the part of your story where you were like, I did the math and you're, you're such a, you're such a finance, finance girl here.

Christa: I feel like three times already today, you've been like, I've been doing the math. And anyway, so you're doing the math and calculated that, um, the cost of the program was [00:11:00] almost the same as what you were making. So it's like, you were gonna, you were break even that summer or maybe even lose money, potentially, depending on how fast you would have turned your business around.

Christa: So, um, that's a super brave thing to do. I just want to say, like, if anybody listening has never invested in yourself in that way, when any coach talks about investing in yourself. This is what they mean. It actually, it doesn't mean that you're spending money that you can afford to lose. That's not what it means.

Christa: Like it's, buying into something where you're like, okay, I know that I'm going to have to put in a significant amount now. And I don't know when the return is going to come, but I trust that I will get a return at some point. And not only will it be worth it, but it will change everything for me.

Christa: So, um, and actually it did in the end. I think the [00:12:00] timeline might not have been exactly what you were anticipating, but I'd love to talk about that as well. So, um, because this story that you're talking about when you and I first connected, was a couple of years ago and yeah, so you were an intern and, suddenly realizing that you couldn't stay in the corporate life.

Christa: so what happened next, basically, like, once you signed up for the program, what was, like, the next big thing that happened? 


Elana: Yeah, so I had your career assessment call, which, You gave me a spreadsheet and you told me to rate each thing on the spreadsheet That resonated with me the most 

Elana: but that just affirmed everything for me and it kind of just solidified like, yeah, it makes sense that I can't sit behind a desk typing away at a computer, not talking to anyone because I'm an extroverted personality that I thrive on helping other people face to face.

Elana: my [00:13:00] strengths are winning others over like. The networking side of that, positivity, includer, they're all relationship building and influencing, aspects of my strengths. And so you helped me to realize that I could make money doing those things. And so we ended up on financial coaching because That aligns so much with who I am,

Elana: the financial coaching thing that definitely resonated with me because I started learning personal finance when I was in high school and that was the. Only class that I loved reading for. And I was like, this is what I love.

Elana: This is my life. And that's why ultimately became a finance major. And I wanted to go into financial advising. so financial coaching was naturally the next thing for me. 

Christa: one thing that I just want to clarify, well, a couple things that I want to clarify.

Christa: So if someone's new to the podcast and you don't know what this career assessment process [00:14:00] is, um, you can hear more details about it in episode 33 of this podcast where I really go into detail about just like what happens on that call. But in summary, as Alana shared, I give you this big, big spreadsheet.

Christa: It's kind of like the. Biggest personality test you'll ever take essentially. And then I analyze it with you. I reflect back to you different parts of your personality that you may or may not be aware of. And in Alana's case, like she already knew herself pretty well, but I think just having what I've witnessed anyway, doing, like three, 400 calls like this at this point.

Christa: Um, but essentially, I am able to, as you said, Alana, validate. other people's perceptions of themselves. And I can say, well, of course you'd be unhappy sitting behind a desk. You know, you're obviously such an extrovert, which I know because you've just filled out that whole sheet. So, and then through that, we're able to work together to come up with a business idea that just makes sense for who you are [00:15:00] as a person, Not what your parents want you to do, not what you're expected to do, not what's next in the timeline of your corporate ladder career or whatever, but it's just like, who are you as a person, and how can we leverage that to have you on a career path that feels so aligned and so exciting so that ultimately when I interview you in a podcast, you're going to be the one that's like, I get to do this every day now and it's so exciting and amazing!

Christa: So we want that enthusiasm to be powering through your body when you create your business. That's how your business is going to skyrocket forward is when you have the passion behind it that clearly Alana you have. but basically it's like we work together.

Christa: We come up with an aligned business idea. And, um, I remember. Like, you know, a couple of years ago when we were working together, you were a bit younger, you had not yet achieved this big financial goal, um, that you have recently accomplished, which is the 100k net worth. [00:16:00] So, um, just to clarify for the audience, I believe that you had a very specific niche at the time and it was college students, right?

Christa: It was like, Kids basically like young people that had never been taught anything about finances and tell me if I'm remembering this correctly. I believe it was that your angle was I'm going to help you basically get up to speed to understand how you can learn finances and empower people. To, become financially independent without necessarily advising them.

Christa: Because it's not the same as being an advisor. so we came up with this aligned business idea and then you went all in. And, uh, yeah, can you tell me about what that even means to you, actually, to go all in?

Elana: I'd rather be wrong and fully committed than right and halfway committed. That's a quote by Grant Cardone. so would [00:17:00] say actually. The reason for my recent success in my business just in the past few weeks is because I committed more now than I did two years ago. 


Elana: was still a student when I was starting this business and I Was actually, I did have some small paying clients, but I was studying.

Elana: socializing as a college student and I was also trying to build this business, but it was never a huge priority for me because I was still. at school and I could only do so much. Nonetheless, I had a non campus job as a peer financial coach. So I was able to do that, and get paid for it as a job.

Elana: So the business was not a priority. I realized before graduating, that I was not going to be able to make enough money to sustain my lifestyle after I graduated, so I needed to get a [00:18:00] job. And Thankfully, after your career assessment call, I knew myself on such a deep level that honestly, one of the biggest values that I got from your program was being able to just know myself so deeply and pursue that passion through my job.

Elana: And so financial planning was the most fitting job that I could apply for after college.

Elana: So that's what I ended up doing. I ended up getting a job in my hometown, which was really nice because of my dad. I wanted to be close to my family and, I could save up while living at home.

Christa: So, For the record, I just want to make this clear to anybody listening, uh, and Alana, I think you can validate this too.

Christa: I will never tell anyone to quit their job. And in fact, I often encourage my clients to have a job [00:19:00] while they build their business because I believe in feeling safe financially as well. And, um, to be building a business under financial scarcity, it just, It kind of clouds your thinking and makes you not the best entrepreneur.

Christa: I think you did the right thing by getting a job at the time. it did, however, I think you kind of mentioned this earlier in the episode. It did, however, um, maybe put your idea of the business on the back burner for a period of time. So we didn't see each other maybe for like a year, I think. Um, but you recently came back into The DNLA, which stands for the Digital Nomad Life Academy for anyone who doesn't know.

 so Alana, you recently again joined the DNLA and 

Christa: So can you tell me about the way and reason why you are back and reprioritizing your whole business and how it's different this [00:20:00] time than it was a couple of years ago? 

Elana: Yes, that is a really good question, and I think it would make sense to start when I first got my job. So July 17th, 2023 was my first day at my job. And before I got hired, they told me to fill out an OBA, which is an other business activities sheet, a description of what my business was, because If it was a conflict of interest, they'd have to approve it for me to work on it.

Elana: And unfortunately it was not approved. So I could not be working on my business while I was an employee at. And I couldn't have anything online that, was giving financial advice. So I removed everything from TikTok, everything from Instagram. And basically I laid my dream to rest.

Elana: And it was at the time. I was okay with it [00:21:00] because I wanted to learn as much as I possibly could about financial planning. And so I knew that going into this job, I knew nothing. And I had so much to learn. And over the course of the year, I learned and I learned and I learned. and I had exposure to clients and I Did a lot of that backend planning, which was really fulfilling.

Elana: And I loved that. I loved my job truly. but the reason why I came back so full force was because. Every time people ask me what my dream was, it was always to start a business, to have my own thing and to travel the world. And so for a year I was commuting into the office. I was working and at a cubicle.

Elana: It wasn't the worst thing. but over time I was like, I can't see myself doing this for 40 years. I need to be traveling. I'm too young, healthy, and smart to be [00:22:00] stuck behind this desk, basically. So, July 17th, 2024 rolls around. It's my Well, maybe a week before that, I was like, I need to do this.

Elana: And if I don't do it now, then when am I going to do it? And so it was the 100 K net worth, like the financial freedom thing for me that I was like, I can do this. I have the flexibility to do it at least for a few months. And if it flops, then I'm not going broke. And so, I ultimately, oh my god, it was the hardest decision of my life, I did the body test, I talked to so many friends, and I was like, I need to do this, because if I don't do it now, then I'm never gonna do it.

Elana: Quit my job. 

Christa: Quit your job. Quit your job to start your business. Amen. Okay, also, side note, you asked me about this too, and I was like, I put my hands up, like, I am not. I like, I'm not taking [00:23:00] responsibility for you quitting your job.

Christa: So, um, in this conversation, uh, Alana, I remember you asked me, you just let you ask so many people, you asked me too. And I was like, look, I'm never going to tell anybody to quit their job. What you need to do is tune into your body and your trust for yourself. Right. And ask yourself, if I do this. Do I trust that I've got me and do I trust that I'm going to keep showing up for my dreams?

Christa: And I think based on your story, we all heard that with that visualization on that masterclass, you know, a couple of years ago, you had this crystal clear vision where you were like, that's That's what I want in my life, and that's what I'm going for, and you, maybe you put your dreams to rest for a little bit, but you never forgot them, and I think for someone to be holding on to such a crystal clear dream for that long, and, you know, I think you [00:24:00] obviously have done enough in your life journey.

Christa: To trust yourself where you, you know, you got yourself an internship, then you committed to a coaching program and you invested in a program. You worked your ass off to build up your net worth. You, got a job and showed up for it and learned as much as you can. So you had a lot of evidence in your life, I think, to trust that if you did do it, right, quit your job to build your business, that you would show up.

Christa: So. even though no one specifically said, yes, do it. you did it anyway. And let's talk about how that felt and why you decided to actually do it. 

Elana: I think you bring up a really good point that I totally glazed over, which is nobody actually told me to quit my job.

Elana: I just felt like everybody was telling me that because I was the one who I heard it so loud and clear in my own intuition. 

Christa: I love, [00:25:00] love, love.

Christa: Yes.

Christa: Listening to your intuition is something that I think, like, our society has just deemed as woo woo or like not, practical, but that was my advice for you.

Christa: It's like, tune into you. Like what, what are you saying that you should do? So you did it. So your intuition said, yes. Yeah, 

Elana: basically my. Intuition was telling me to quit my job, but it was terrifying because I was like, what am I doing? I called my friend. She told me to do the body test and she said, lean forward if it's a yes, and then lean back if it's a no or something. And basically I asked myself, is it a yes? And I'll lean forward.

Elana: Is it a no lean back? And then I say, okay, Lana, should I quit my job? And I closed my eyes and I leaned forward and it said, yes. And I was like, okay, that feels right. But then I was confused because I got two answers [00:26:00] and it wasn't a clear yes to me. So I did it again. And it was a no.

Christa: What is this story? Where are we going? I love it. Oh my God, I'm on the edge of my seat. Tell me more. 

Elana: I was like, that's not true. Um, and so I went home and I was like, no, I'm doing it because I've already planned it all. I know what I need to do and I feel like these answers are coming externally and what is truly in my mind in my body is this business like it will never go away.

Elana: I'd like to shout out Samantha DeRada in the DNLA because She's living in Costa Rica right now. And I reached out to her cause I was like, Hey girl, I booked my one way flight ticket to Costa Rica. Tell me, like, give me some tips. and this was before I even quit my job. I [00:27:00] just already knew that by December I was going to quit my job and start my business.

Elana: I just wasn't sure if I was going to build my business full time or on the side. And that's where I decided I need to fully commit. But I got on a call with her and she told me what you told me, Krista. She told me to tune in to myself it was like an internal compass that kept guiding me towards building my business, following my ICA guy, and I could not ignore it anymore.

Elana: It was so evident to me that that was my life path. So I ultimately came to the conclusion. That July 17th, 2024, my one year anniversary at my company and my two year anniversary from hiring you as my business coach, the first day of the rest of my life that I was going to put in my two week notice. [00:28:00] And the amount of emotional turbulence that went on the week before that final decision, it was so chaotic in my mind.

Elana: But when I tuned into myself, it always felt like the right decision. 

Christa: Wow, that is such a powerful story. There's so many themes that are in there that I, really just want to zoom in on. So first of all, um, when you said shout out to Samantha, amazing. Samantha is going to be on this podcast pretty soon as well.

Christa: Um, but yeah, she's someone else that's in the Digital Nomad Life Academy. And to me, one of the biggest values of the program Like, I know I'm valuable as your coach, of course, I'm here to guide you and show you, you know, exactly what to do and answer questions and everything and be there for you, but the other members of the community are just, I don't even have words for it, like the community is so So powerful and everybody is just always [00:29:00] connecting with each other and working with each other helping each other bouncing ideas off of one another supporting each other venting to each other and it just You you end up becoming the sum of the people that you spend the most time with so You know, like, and I love that you were like, yeah, I'm going to Costa Rica.

Christa: Who do I know in Costa Rica? And of course, it's someone in the DNLA. Like, of course it is, because these people are the vibe. So I love that you leaned on your community and that you received help from the DNLA. the other thing that I wanted to talk about, that I wanted to zoom in on, was this. chaotic sensation that you had before you quit your job.

Christa: I actually think that this is something that is going to resonate with a lot of people listening to this podcast because whoever you are listening to this episode, if you are working in corporate, I guarantee I can almost guarantee that if you stumbled across this podcast, right, there's [00:30:00] millions and millions of podcasts out there, but you're listening to this one, there is an incredibly high chance that you are someone who has considered quitting your job before.

Christa: You are probably someone who has been in a situation where you're like, I can't stand the commute. I can't stand this cubicle. There's got to be more than this. I want to travel the world. I want to have a bigger life. Don't my dreams matter? This isn't what I want to do. This doesn't feel authentic. If you're listening to this podcast, you probably felt that way at some point too, but why haven't you done it?

Christa: Or why haven't you made a change? And Alana, I'd love for you to just really indulge in the sensations that you were experiencing before you actually did this terrifying thing of quitting your job. And why was it so scary? Why was it so chaotic? Like, what specifically were you scared of?

Elana: The fear of judgment was strong from my family or what I perceived the [00:31:00] judgment would be. 

Christa: Yes. 

Elana: And expectations of society, expectations of the people that I worked with, ironically. and also, I had started the business before and It didn't take off and I was scared that I wasn't going to make any money.

Elana: And, you know, we're all sold this idea of like building an online business. You have uncapped earning potential, which is true if you tap into it. And, I broke down to my coworker who I'm actually, I was really close with and I was like, okay, if I just don't, if I don't make any money by October, I'll get another job.

Elana: And it was July. and I can safely say in the middle of September. [00:32:00] That I have started making money. I signed my first high paying client last week and we had our first session together yesterday and it's working like the business is businessing. Yes, 

Christa: the business is business thing. Oh my gosh. Okay. So thank you for.

Christa: Just going all in on the emotional thing that happens when we go against the grain, when we go against society's expectations. Um, I happen to know that, uh, you know, just from what I've heard about your family, it sounds like people are really supportive of you. And, um, I think. Just the way that you are, you really invite people to trust you, like you just, you are an inherently very trustworthy person and an accomplished person being so young as well.

Christa: Nobody can deny this, um, huge accomplishment of hitting your 100k [00:33:00] net worth at such a young age. I think that something that I picked up on like a word choice that you use where you were like the judgment or the perceived judgment, um, and on the perceived, like it's not even necessarily that people around you were judging you, but still, of course, it's like, Anybody would have that fear of when you're about to do something where it's not guaranteed that you're going to have success.

Christa: And, you know, especially when you had a past experience that didn't work out the way that you initially planned. Of course, there will be fear around that, especially when it comes to money, which is so inherently connected to our survival. it's genuinely. A scary, terrifying thing that makes you feel like you're putting your life at stake or, you know, your connections at risk and I just really want to validate, of course, how scary that would be.

Christa: So, you set your goal of making money [00:34:00] by October. And you, once again, smashed your goal way ahead of time. And, um, yeah, I, I mentioned this earlier in the podcast, but you've just been showing the F up for your business and for this program. I think I, I see you, you're like one of the top participants in the whole program.

Christa: And so I'm, I'm like, of course she's going to smash her goals. Like she's going all in and you're really just milking the DNLA for all that it's worth. And to actually, just to clarify for anybody listening, what I mean by that is inside of the DNLA, I offer, um, coaching calls. It's like. That's usually like about three times a week, um, at different times to accommodate lots of different schedules and time zones.

Christa: but Alana, now that you are not working, you can just come to all of them. So you do come to all of them. So actually you're getting like six hours of business coaching every week and like deep connections with the other people that come to the calls. [00:35:00] So, um, I just love that. I wish that everybody would.

Christa: Would come to that many calls. I know not everybody can because their schedules. That's why I offer so many. But anyway, I see you going all in. So, of course, you smash this goal, but, uh, because you and I've been working together a lot because you have been showing up to so many calls, I'd love to talk about, um, just over the past couple months.

Christa: So you quit your job in July and then there was a month of August, well, July and August, and then a little bit of September where. There was like some confusion or like resistance maybe getting a client or like, uh, having clarity around your business. So can you share with the audience?

Christa: Was the transformation that you made from the day that you quit your job to the day that you got your first client? Like what happened in that window?

Elana: That's a lot. A whole identity crisis happened in that time [00:36:00] period. Truly. I was trained to think that the way to make money is the way to make good money is to sit down at a desk and focus on not talking to anyone. and this transformation meant that. I could do what I loved, which was connecting with people and posting on social media.

Elana: I didn't think social media was an actual job and now it is my job. So that transformation is like a whole,

Elana: I would say it was a crisis. I was like, who am I? Who am I to be doing this? Um, and how does that even work to make money? Like, I see you, Krista, making a lot of money and being super successful and you get to, like, connect with people on Instagram all the time. And I was spending my hours on Instagram.

Elana: Like scrolling. And now I'm [00:37:00] creating. So that transformation went from being a consumer to a creator on social media and There were pretty low expectations of me in my first year as an employee and becoming a business owner. It's like my to do list went from maybe one or two things a day to now this never ending opportunity.

Elana: And so the month of August, I actually set the goal to sign my first paying client, which I didn't achieve until September 5th. And I was really disappointed in my, my little overachiever. I love it. But I met Krista in that time in person. I met you in that time and you just have this very natural.

Elana: Sense of seeing the success in others before they see it in themselves. And so for [00:38:00] me, as a client and also as a friend, I feel very empowered just next to you and in your aura. And you were like, Oh, let's take some photos for your business in the hotel that we were getting brunch.

Elana: And so just taking. Being the model. I love being a model anyway, but being the model with you as the photographer and just seeing. Me as the fully embodied financial coach with tons of clients that I serve, it wasn't just a dream. It was reality. Even though I barely, like I hadn't even started making money yet.

Elana: And so I posted one of those pictures with my story and it ended up turning into six sales calls just that like the following week [00:39:00] and one of them being my first paying client and the five others being like verbal hell yeses I want this, but some of them just being like can like give me some time to get the money or like.

Elana: Mostly pricing objections, 

Christa: but like those Hold up, hold up, hold up. Details, details, details. You got your first, you got six sales calls. From one Instagram post. That is like, fricking, okay, we, just, girl, what we gotta work on is you celebrating yourself. This is our next step. This is what we're working next month.

Christa: Because, I also am someone who sets big goals for myself, but we have to acknowledge our successes along the way. Otherwise, we're always gonna feel like, unsatisfied, right? And so, first of all, I just want to say thank you for, um, what you said earlier about how, like, I see the success in other people before they see it.

Christa: Um, literally teared up as you were saying that, had full body goosebumps. And [00:40:00] it's so true. Like, I, I created my business because I want to empower other people and show other people that they can do it. And I really, really, really do believe in my clients because I also believe in my product. Um, because I know that my product works because I've seen it with other people and I've done it with myself, and a big part of the product, which is something that you have mentioned a couple of times in this episode, is this seeing yourself in the future position that you want to be in.

Christa: Earlier in the episode, you mentioned at the end of the master class, you envisioned yourself in this cafe working as a digital nomad. And you were like, that, that was like, like clicked. You were like, that's what I want for my life. And, and you never forgot that dream. And then, when you came back into the program, you had a new, much clearer vision of the business that you wanted to create, who it was that you wanted to help, and even though it hadn't fully manifested yet, that this was still taking [00:41:00] place, you were, as you said, embodied in the vision of your business being successful.

Christa: And we were actually doing an, it was an embodiment exercise, actually that little photo shoot that we had where, you know, for any of my clients, like if we ever get a chance to meet up IRL, like I love photography. That was one of my previous business business ideas before I created the digital nomad life Academy, um, is like personal branding photography.

Christa: So it's one of my favorite things to do. And, um, basically I will be guiding you through the process of like, okay, you're a financial coach and you're here to help people and you're embodying, or just, you have clients that are, that they just can't wait to work with you when you're going to, you're changing their lives.

Christa: And, you know, I'm actually. Do you remember? I'm like sharing, I'm like spitting the vision in, into your ear, um, as you're posing for the photos. And so as you were saying, like, I posted [00:42:00] one of those photos and no wonder that energetic transmission happened where people on the other side of their phone screens were like, she has something that I want because you were truly in that moment embodying and believing.

Christa: That you did have something that people wanted, believing in yourself and knowing that if you just keep putting in the work and the effort and showing up that things will transpire. And then what happened literally a week later? 

Elana: Yeah, I had a bunch of sales calls. They were all like my first real ones.

Christa: Yeah. 

Elana: and I had gone through your courses. With like building my offer and heart centered sales, but it's different to learn something and to actually put it into action. Amen. When I started to put it into action, I was like, I was experiencing a lot of resistance. It was a lot of physical.[00:43:00] 

Elana: Sensations of like, like anxiety basically in my body, like my hands were sweaty and my, body was like shaking and, you know, to put myself out there and be like, this is my offer to someone that wants it is in direct conflict with what I believed. believed past tense, which was, I had a fear that no one would want to work with me.

Elana: And so when I got all this interest that people wanted what I could offer, I felt some sort of attack on my nervous system was that direct conflict, as I mentioned, of like, this is what I think, and this is what's actually happening. And so now I'm confused and scared because it, like what I want and what I'm dreaming of is happening.

Elana: And I never thought [00:44:00] that I was worthy of that. And now that it's happening, I'm like, Oh, okay. I am worthy of it. And I receive it. And I fully live it. 

Christa: wow, that is so powerful. I just decided the episode, the title of this episode is going to be the emotional experience of becoming an entrepreneur, because I just love where like going so deep into, yeah, like what's happening in your brain, what's happening in your nervous system, what fears are showing up at every single little step.

Christa: step from, deciding that you don't want to be in corporate, deciding that you do want to be an entrepreneur, deciding that you will invest in yourself, deciding that you're actually going to put your dreams on hold, deciding that, okay, you're going to quit your job. You're going to go against society.

Christa: You're going to maybe disappoint your parents, deciding that you're going to reinvest your time and energy. Put yourself into the face of failure. Now you've got to, you know, face the worthiness complex that you probably had no idea that you even had because for most people Until they become [00:45:00] entrepreneurs, they never actually have to face that shadow.

Christa: So, there's probably lots and lots and lots of people listening here who, and when I say, like, like I 100 percent have been one of those people too. I've done a lot of work on my own worthiness, um, in so many different ways. And that is true. the work of an entrepreneur. It's to really believe in yourself and embody this thing that you want to be.

Christa: Trust yourself. Trust that you can support your clients. Trust that you do have value to offer the world to specific people and to start showing up as that person. So I just, I really appreciate what you just shared about how like suddenly, It was this attack on your nervous system that all these people were like, wait, we see value.

Christa: And you're like, hold on. Whoa. Like, do I see the value that I'm offering? And what did you do actually to get through that? Because, um, for a lot of people, I [00:46:00] think that that moment of facing that. Fear of failure and fear of success somehow in the same moment, um, would actually be enough to scare a lot of people away from the experience of entrepreneurship.

Christa: So how did you get through it? I 

Elana: just had to face it. I was like, I am committed. Okay. So Krista, you have a really great spreadsheet that help it's called shadow work spreadsheet, I think. It goes through, all the different types of shadows that humans typically have. So limiting beliefs, uh, procrastination, perfectionism, and fear of failure, fear of success, worthiness. So the worthiness one is the one that I did.

Elana: And I remember when I went through that spreadsheet, it was like, what's one secret that you have? and why don't you share it? and so you also said that if you're [00:47:00] not crying, then you didn't reach your shadow. It's true. I wrote some things and I didn't quite get emotional from them.

Elana: I was like, I kind of told some people this, but then there was one that really hit me and, um, it was really scary because it was something that I had, like, dug so deep down that I thought if I just kept digging it down, then it would just go away. But the thing with shadows is that they need to breathe in order for them to, see the And so in the process, of uncovering the shadow.

Elana: It's a very emotional process. It's, um, I had to feel it to heal it. And so I felt it. It was very unpleasant. [00:48:00] And after that, I realized that if I could overcome shadow work like that, then I could do anything. Like, I'm not gonna die. And so, a huge part of And I, I really like how you mentioned, like the name of this podcast will be the emotional experience of an entrepreneur.

Elana: Because if I look at face value at my Instagram, I look like this really happy go lucky girl. And I'm sometimes vulnerable on there, but like, it looks like an easy process to just quit my job and start my business, but it was this. Very internal. there was a lot of inner work that went into it that people don't see and When I was quitting my job, I put a lot of Emphasis on my net worth as kind of like myself worth. And I was like, this [00:49:00] 100 K net worth is me

Elana: without that. Who am I? And so I invested in another coach and that was 6, 000. And I was like, now I'm going to be at 94, 000. I literally thought I was going to die. And was this like my nervous system trying to keep me safe? And so for pretty much the month of July, I woke up with such fear that I wasn't who I say that I am.

Elana: And I felt like I was showing up as like a fraud. Like, how can I say that I reached a hundred K net worth and help people get there? If I know at 94 K, like it was this huge. identity crisis there because I had been working towards that goal for so long. And so the more shadow work that [00:50:00] I did, the more I realized I'm not a number, I'm not my shadows.

Elana: And when I separated myself from these things that I thought were me, I was able to fully be me. You asked me, like, how did I face these, fears, like these shadows, how did I show up on these calls and just, like, feel these, this nervous system dysregulation, and it was because of all that practice I had with feeling the fear and allowing myself to feel it.

Elana: So. When I was on these calls, when I was practicing for the calls too, I had such a fear that it was physical in my body. But because of that practice, I was able to [00:51:00] allow myself to feel it instead of resist it. So when I resist it, then I can't fully embody who I want to be. This actually ties back to what I'm just now starting is shadow alchemy and like allowing myself to accept that there are things that could stop me from receiving what I want.

Elana: And I need to allow myself to believe that those things are real and those things I can't let get in my way. 

Christa: Wow. Oh my gosh. I'm very moved by everything that you just shared. That was so powerful and so beautiful. And I'm really I just admire you so much, like, doing this kind of work at such a young age as well.

Christa: It's so, I don't know. It's not something that society teaches, right? People are, I think, I think what society teaches is, um, don't show any fear. [00:52:00] And if you have fear, then that means that, that you're weak or something. And, and actually, What you're doing is something that's so brave, looking at these shadows in a very intentional way and saying okay, like I'm actually gonna go, I'm not just avoiding them, and I'm not just allowing them to be there, I'm actually going to search for them so that I can intentionally feel them.

Christa: Like, it's like, I, I, with shadow work, I think I'm getting an image of a warrior. Going into a dark room, like being like, I don't know what's in there, but I'm just gonna go, I'm just gonna go find it because I know that there is a beast in there. And when you do that, right, that's what the shadows are, right?

Christa: They're these like scary things that live in our, in our, in our imagination. Um, and the only way to actually really battle them in a way that you could win is to feel them, which is what people are so scared to do. seen the light, it sounds like where you're like, if I can do [00:53:00] this shadow work and I can go there and I can cry about something that I, that I didn't realize that I was hiding from myself.

Christa: Then you're like, wait a minute, I can do anything. And that's where the momentum builds for entrepreneurship. I always encourage people to do shadow work because until you really experience the benefit that you get from it, your shadows remain as these scary things that can continue to hold you back.

Christa: But then once you're like, wait a minute, oh, my shadow was just, oh, it's just this like thing in my imagination. And you know, I, I cry for about it for a little bit and then I get past it. Then it's like, okay, what's next? And then you get to keep moving forward. And that's when the scaling happens. So. I'm not surprised that, all this work that you've been doing is now actually manifesting into some really rapid changes in your business and in your life.

Christa: Like, you literally got six calls booked from, from one host and even closed one of them and got verbal [00:54:00] yeses from, from the other ones. So, just, miraculous, and at the same time, we can see exactly why that happened. It's because you were brave enough to do the hard work and to feel the fear and do it anyway.

Christa: That's my, that's my favorite thing to say, feel the fear and do it anyway. Which you are just such a, an amazing example of. And I'm, I really am just so, so, so, so proud of you. I love. This journey that you have been on. I love getting to spend so much time with you inside of the DNLA on all of the calls.

Christa: And I love celebrating you and just seeing you be such an inspiration for so many other people in the program and hopefully for other people on this podcast. Really just, um, yeah, you're amazing. And I'm so happy that we got to do this podcast today. Thank 

Elana: you, Christa. I just realized my cheeks are hurting because I've been smiling so long.

Elana: Oh, you're [00:55:00] such an inspiration and just a warm light. I think just by you being you, it's such a pleasure to be me, you know? And I wish that, everyone always had this aura, but like the reason why you're so special is because you are this diamond in the rough. Like you're just. It's such a joy, such a treat. And you remind me of my successes. It's so easy for me. And this past week has been pretty difficult because I've been like, so down on myself about not being this perfect person all the time and just being on this call, you reminded me that just in the past month and a half, I've transformed into this completely new human.

Elana: And. The date, like the in between managing my thoughts is like, I just need to. Remind myself of these successes and they'll just keep showing up for me. 

Christa: [00:56:00] That's the light work, right? We talked about shadow work and pretty soon I'm going to make an episode about light work, which is, which is exactly this.

Christa: Also, first of all, thank you so much. That was like such a sweet thing to say. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Um, but yeah, the, the, the light work is the opposite of the shadow work. The shadow work is like, what are we scared of? Why do I feel like I'm not good enough? Why do I feel like I have this worthiness complex?

Christa: Why does it feel so bad? How does it feel? And actually feeling it and crying about it and releasing it. And then we want to replace all the shadows With the light which is hold up like I can put out one post and get six sales calls I can get on a sales call and some people will say yes to me I am someone that invests in herself.

Christa: I am someone who shows up in my dreams. I am someone who is worthy I am someone who people trust who people like So, yeah, just, gratitude and light work and again, continuing to surround yourself by other lights is literally how your [00:57:00] life changes and you're just doing all of that. So again, it's no surprise that you've had this recent rapid transformation.

Christa: And to all the 

Elana: listeners, I cannot recommend the Digital Nomad Life Academy enough, the value is just beyond what my mind could even think about. but just to know Krista and work with her so closely and intimately and just, It is the most value I've received is the cheer that you give to me and the space that you give me.

Elana: And we've done some of my own deep, deep shadow work together. Krista encouraged me to share one of my secrets on a group coaching call, which was a terrifying [00:58:00] experience. but I got through that shadow and it made me stronger. And so to all the listeners, again, all I can say is that you will never, Regret investing in Krista's program.

Elana: It will completely change your life. 

Christa: Oh my god. Thank you so much. I knew it. I knew it was coming. Oh my god, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. I'm so honored and really just so grateful. So grateful for you.

Christa: Thank you. Thank you for saying that. So, for anybody that doesn't know what the digital numbered life academy is, I know we've like kind of touched upon it in this episode, but just real quick, I'll explain it. Um, essentially you join the program and you get a whole year access to the DNLA. And that's it's just important to have some timeline on it to kind of keep you like.

Christa: I think accountable, but it's really easy to extend your stay in the program. Like Alana, you've been in it for a couple of years already. [00:59:00] So it's easy to just join the program and like stay in it for the long haul. And we make it super affordable for you to stay. When you join, what you get is the five C's.

Christa: So you get Coaching, like I said earlier, that's multiple calls every single week where you can work with me or one of our other amazing guest coaches. There's community as a big part of it. We have co working days every other week. We have workshops that other people in the community, Elana, you're gonna, you're gonna do a workshop.

Christa: So you also get a platform. Form to be presenting stuff. If you want to practice, you get tons of people in the community that you can, as a lot of mentioned earlier, she's connected with other people in the program that just have offered her really invaluable support and camaraderie and guidance.

Christa: Cheerleading. So you get coaching, community, there's coursework. You can follow step by step guidance to teach you literally everything that you need to know about building a small service provider business, which is [01:00:00] the model that we follow because that's the easiest one. For me, my intention is to help people come into the program and actually change their life quickly, but in a sustainable way that allows for lots of room for growth and lots of room to Scale in a way that feels right for you based on your lifestyle goals.

Christa: Not everybody has the same lifestyle goals. That I totally understand. Not everybody wants to live out of their suitcase or on an island. Some people just want to spend more time with their family. like you do, Alana. And travel, of course, to have that flexibility. So that's, coaching, community, coursework.

Christa: Character development, which we talked about a lot on this call. That's the shadow work. That's the embodiment. That's the feeling your fears and doing it anyway. Um, it's really just stepping into the next level version of yourself. And finally, clarity. Usually that's the one I lead with, but that's the career assessment call that we were talking about earlier, where even if you don't know what business you want to create, as [01:01:00] long as you know that you're ready.

Christa: To try entrepreneurship and it doesn't mean that they have to go all in like a lot of your story is that you know you started when you were in college. Which actually I think is perfect because it's like, as soon as you were ready, you were already in the program. You were already a part of the community.

Christa: You already had learned enough about how to build a business that once you really came back into it, you were able to hit the ground running, knowing exactly what you wanted to do and where you wanted to go with the business. And, um, You know, I, I just think it's really important to trust the timeline of our lives.

Christa: Like, if you're listening to this episode now, personally, I don't believe in coincidences. I personally believe in divine timing. I think that these messages, a podcast, for example, is like, I'm, Alana and I are out here. We're just having a conversation, um, you know, on a random, what day is it? It's Friday. Oh my gosh, it's literally 11, 11 right now as I'm saying this.[01:02:00] 

Christa: That's crazy. Okay, so we're just out here having a conversation, but our communication is an energy transmission that goes onto the internet and at some point in the future, someone else who Alana you and I, we don't know this person. Who's listening to my voice right now. That person might be driving a car.

Christa: They might be commuting on the train. They might be sitting in their cubicle. They might be driving a tractor. They might be sitting at a sewing machine. They could be mowing their lawn. Like, they could be doing anything. But there's a reason why they, slash, you, whoever you are, are listening to this right now.

Christa: And I am gonna call it out. This is an invitation to you to step into your dreams. To stop Waiting for someone to come save you to stop waiting for some magical thing to happen and actually take the small action [01:03:00] of at least investigating into how you could change your life. So I'm giving you an opportunity on a silver freaking platter.

Christa: It's called the Digital Nomad Life Academy as I just described as Alana just so beautifully shouted about how amazing it is and transformative and it really, really is. So, it's very important to me to make sure that the people that are inside of the DMLA are the right vibe. Uh, we like open minded people, we like, um, very welcoming people, tolerant people, love people of all ages, backgrounds, races, ethnicities, gender orientation, like whatever, whoever you are, you're so welcome as long as you are ready to be a part of the community and step into.

Christa: So long. The next level version of yourself as a freedom focused entrepreneurial digital nomad. So if you feel called, send me a DM on Instagram at @christabellatravels [01:04:00] with the keyword

Christa: emotions podcast. Okay, so make sure you spell it correctly, Emotions with an S at the end, Emotions Podcast. Send that to @christabellatravels.You can go into the show notes and find my Instagram handle. Send it to that one. You will get an automated message from me that says, Hey, thanks for listening to the podcast.

Christa: I'd like you to answer some questions so that you and I can have a productive conversation. And I'm going to ask you, uh, you know, a little bit about your work history, a little bit about your reasoning for wanting to become a digital nomad. What's the challenges that you're currently facing? Answer those questions as thoroughly as you can so that when I actually do see the message, um, I can respond to it.

Christa: In an intelligent, informed kind of way and not have to, you know, pull teeth to try to get enough information to see if you're a right fit for the program. I don't like to waste my time. I don't want to waste your time. And I don't want anybody in the program who's not the right fit. So, like I said, send me a DM at @christabellatravels.

Christa: [01:05:00] @christabellatravels right, with the keyword Emotions Podcast, answer the prompts, and let's just at least have a conversation. It's no pressure, it's no commitment to just inquire, but it is a small step that you can make to actually start a conversation. manifesting whatever your dream life is. And maybe you'll be like Alana, where you're listening to this energy transmission right now.

Christa: And a couple of years later, I will be interviewing you, celebrating you on your success from how you just quit your job and you just signed your first client and you just made money in a business that you love. And This whole episode I hope is, really just going to serve as an inspiration that, yes, it's gonna be a little bit scary.

Christa: Yes, you're gonna have to do uncomfortable shit. Yes, you're going to have to have conversations with people. You're gonna Possibly face rejection and, and disappointment and, and fear and, uh, you're going to have to look at your, look at your [01:06:00] worthiness complexes and all of this. But just because you don't feel worthy right now, or just because you don't feel like you can be successful right now, that doesn't matter.

Christa: you absolutely can have success. You just need to follow the steps and keep showing up. And feel the fear and do it anyway. Okay. That is my soapbox. Mic drop. I will stop talking now. Um, but Alana, thanks for being here with me today. It's been such an honor and a pleasure to interview you. It was amazing.

Elana: Having me. And I'm excited for the listener to whoever it is that is going to be starring on your podcast in a few years. That is so exciting for you! Sign up for the DLNA! Waiting for someone else to save you. 

Christa: Yes, no one's coming to save us. We are the captain of our own ship and, uh, for some reason, I feel like I want to shout out this [01:07:00] episode that I have.

Christa: episode 48 spiritual beliefs that led me to my dream life as a digital nomad. This episode. This episode is an energy transmission for reals.

Christa: This one is to the one that we're talking on right now they all are. But, yeah, I think that whoever you are listening to this again I don't believe in. Coincidences. I believe in divine timing. I'm speaking to you somehow, whoever you are. So go listen to that episode specifically next. Again, it's number 48.

Christa: And, uh, I'll see you next time. Hopefully I'll see you in the DMs. Again, my Instagram is @christabellatravels. Um, and if you are also interested, In hitting 100k net worth at any age, then I think that you should probably get in touch with this amazing human who I've just spent the last hour or so talking to.

Christa: Alana, how can the listeners find you and what should they say when they message you? 

Elana: Yes, my [01:08:00] Instagram is at @elana.sadok, that's my full name, E L A N A dot S A D O K. You can DM me or you can follow the link in my bio to book a call with me. Um, I'm doing many deep dive sessions. If you are ready to take control of your finances and You are looking for financial freedom, whether that means to quit your job and you want to reach a hundred K net worth.

Elana: definitely reach out to me. We can get your cashflow working for you. And, so that you can live your rich life. Live your rich life, live your free life. My Instagram is at Alana. sadok, E L A N A dot S A D O K. You can DM me, be like, I heard you on Prista's podcast. Or just straight up book a call with me and let's talk about the numbers.

Elana: They're scary, but [01:09:00] they're fun. I appreciate vulnerability. The clients that I work with are so open and honest and just ready to make a change. Um, so if that sounds like you, then I think we might be the right fit and I am excited to get to know you better. 

Christa: Amen. One thing that I love about the stage that you're at in your business right now, Alana, is you have a lot of space to just serve, serve, serve, serve.

Christa: So if anybody listening to this also wants to just receive a whole lot of value from a free call, just go to her profile, just book a call, I would say, just get on it. And, um, you absolutely won't regret it. Or if you join the DNLA, she's giving a workshop soon on how to hit 100k net worth. So that also is coming up.

Christa: Yeah. Anyway, um, I think we'll wrap it up here, but thank you so much for listening. It has been an honor to connect to your energy, um, to the listener and to you, of course, Alana, [01:10:00] and so much for your presence. It was amazing. 

Elana: Yeah. What an honor to be starring in your podcast. Best of luck with you and your 1 million revenue business next year.

Christa: Yeah. 

Elana: I love it. 

Christa: All right, guys. Thank you so much. We'll see you in the next episode. Bye.