Digital Nomad Life Podcast

77) Do you need Social Media to be a Successful Digital Nomad Entreprenuer?


This episode is all about social media and whether you need social media and a large audience to have a digital nomad entrepreneur business. Here’s the good news, no you don’t, but here is also news ( it really helps.) Today I am going to walk you through some clients’ success stories who have built 6 figure businesses without social media and even my story on my insecurities with social media and how I moved past that and saw my business grow exponentially.  So in this episode, let's talk about why it's helpful, how to maximize it, and how to get over your fear of showing up on it.

Check out next: Ep 73 Shadow Work and Lightwork for Digital Nomads

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CODEWORD:  Social Media Podcast

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Christa Romano: [00:00:00] Hey there and welcome to the Digital Nomad Life Podcast. I'm your host Christa, also known as @christabellatravels on Instagram. If you ever want to slide into my DMs on IG, I would love to hear from you. I want to hear your questions, your episode requests, or if you actually just want to talk about how you personally could begin your journey of becoming a digital nomad yourself, then I would love to hear from you.

Christa Romano: Now, um, yes, this episode is all about social media, but I actually always start off my episodes in that way, just inviting you to talk to me. And uh, I'm going to talk about why I do that in this episode, but it's going to come later on in this episode. So just to tease what is to come, first of all, I want to answer the question of do you need to be on social media if you want to be a successful digital nomad?

Christa Romano: So, um, just a little. Clarification here. When I speak about becoming a digital nomad, I [00:01:00] am not talking about having a remote job. Um, there are other people that you can listen to if you want to figure out how to get a remote job to become a digital nomad. I really just don't believe in doing that anymore.

Christa Romano: I feel like if you're listening to this podcast, you probably want to have a career that It really is aligned with you and I just, I hold the belief that any job is never going to be fully aligned because you're always working on someone else's vision. And if you want to become a digital nomad, you're obviously a visionary.

Christa Romano: Like this is a pretty unconventional way to live life. So um, yeah, let's just call you what you are. You my friend, you listener. You're visionary. I see you and I don't want to see you play small. I want you to step into your power and pursue the life of your dreams. And I'm making this podcast to empower you to do that.

Christa Romano: And I want to empower you to do that ASAP, despite whether you have fears of showing [00:02:00] up on social media or not. The good news. Is that, no, you don't actually need social media to be a successful digital nomad. And I'll talk about what you do need. And then later on in this episode, I want to talk about, yeah, you don't need it, but it is really, really helpful.

Christa Romano: And let's talk about why it's helpful, how to maximize it, and how to get over your fear of showing up on it. So as all of my episodes, this is going to be super practical, but also we're going to get pretty psychological, probably pretty deep. And, uh, I can't wait to take you on a journey and hopefully ultimately inspiring you to take one further step on your digital nomad journey.

Christa Romano: One philosophy that I have and I hold in life is never, ever, ever take advice from someone who's not living the life that you want to live.

Christa Romano: So if you want to be a digital nomad, great, you're in the right place. [00:03:00] And if you do want to be a digital nomad, Don't take advice from someone who's not a successful digital nomad. Okay. So my story in a nutshell, I've been working remotely for literally 11 years at this point. I booked my first ever one way plane ticket back in 2013.

Christa Romano: And, uh, was I always a successful digital nomad entrepreneur? No, absolutely not. Nobody just starts off being super successful. There's a lot of trial and error that you have to do unless you hire a coach and then you get to skip all of the error. Basically, you just get to ask somebody what to do next and then they can tell you based on their past mistakes and then boom, you get to be successful right away.

Christa Romano: But at the time when I first started becoming a digital nomad, there were no digital nomad mentors because it was barely even thing at the time. So I did have to try to figure it out all by myself. And, um, I made a lot of mistakes. I tried so many different businesses, um, and failed at a [00:04:00] lot of them. Had some success at other ones, but ultimately after many, many years, what I have arrived on is this is the best way to become a digital nomad.

Christa Romano: It is by following the small service provider high ticket model. This means building your own business around something that you actually like and enjoy and building it in a strategic way that you could reasonably charge a thousand plus dollars for whatever your offer is. Now, if you're having a reaction in your body right now where you're like, Oh my God, a thousand dollars.

Christa Romano: That's so much money. Well, a thousand dollars for what? Like what if you were building them a house? Of course you'd charge more than a thousand dollars. So just relax on the money thing for now. I can't get into it in this episode, but you're just going to have to trust me that when you build your business in the right way,

Christa Romano: when you really understand the foundations of business, And when [00:05:00] you niche yourself in a specific way, it's actually very reasonable to be charging 1, 000 or more for each one of your clients. Now, this whole episode really is Hinging on the fact that I am talking about the high ticket small service provider business model.

Christa Romano: Because if you're not following this business model, like let's say that you have a low ticket. Ticket means how much it costs. Okay. Like the, the ticket is like price tag. So if you have a product or an offer with a low cost. ticket, a low cost price tag, you're going to need to sell a lot of those things in order for you to make a decent income in order for you to be a successful, well paid digital nomad.

Christa Romano: And then in that case, it probably actually is important for you to be on social media because what social media is inherently is a free marketing platform where you have the [00:06:00] opportunity to reach billions of people for 0.

Christa Romano: So if you have something that you want to sell to the masses, well, you got to go where the masses are, which is social media. Right? Like, this really isn't that complicated. If you want to sell to the masses, you gotta go to the masses. And you need to sell to the masses if you have a low ticket product or offer.

Christa Romano: Now, when you follow my methods and my strategies, what I teach you how to do is how to create a high ticket offer. So, if you're creating a high ticket offer, something that is 1, 000 or more, One, you don't need to have that many clients in order to make a great income. And two, you don't need to be reaching out to the masses because you don't need the masses to buy from you.

Christa Romano: You only need a few people to buy from you. So that's why it's like, okay, well, is social media actually necessary if you want to become a digital nomad? [00:07:00] It's not necessary if you want to become a digital nomad following the way that I teach social media. If you want to become a digital nomad following the way that other people teach social media, it might be that you actually do need to have social media.

Christa Romano: It might be that you actually need a sizable audience. Now, there are a lot of people who say, Hey, I will teach you how to become a digital nomad. I'll teach you the easiest way, the laziest way. And, uh, they say, yeah, just create a, a product or something that you can sell without needing your time or energy.

Christa Romano: And they sell you the dream of passive income. Now, passive income is great. And, um, I'm not saying that I don't have any passive income, but. Because I do, right? I do have some passive income, and I have an audience. I have people following [00:08:00] me on social media. I have people listening to my podcast. I have people following me on Instagram.

Christa Romano: I have people following me on TikTok. I have a LinkedIn brand. So, um, Like, I'm sharing with you the actual truth of what do you really need and also what's possible for you. So if you ever hear a business coach that says, Hey, I will help you make say 10, 000 a month. They're probably lying.

Christa Romano: needing to have a little disclaimer that these results are not typical because it's not typical for someone to have a big audience. Okay? It's atypical for someone to have a big audience, but still they're gonna say, I can help you make 10, 000 a month because technically they can. If you have an audience, okay?

Christa Romano: And to me, this is unfortunately why so many people in my industry of like helping people become digital nomads get seen as a scam because [00:09:00] there are a lot of these claims online that say, oh, I can help you make this much money, when really it does hinge on the fact that you have an audience. Okay. Now, why is what I'm teaching different and why is it that you don't need an audience?

Christa Romano: Okay. So again, what I teach is helping you actually take a service and figuring out how to package that service in a way that you can reasonably charge a high ticket price for it. When I say high ticket, I mean it. minimum 1, 000 but it could be up to like 30, 000 or 100, 000. I've worked with clients that have come up with an offer that is 30, 000 and guess how many clients?

Christa Romano: They need in order to be making a 90, 000 salary for the year. They only need three clients. And if you only need three clients, then what's the point of reaching the [00:10:00] masses? Well, actually, you know what? I take it back. There is a point in reaching the masses, even if you only need three clients. But I will get to that later.

Christa Romano: The point is, you don't need three clients. to reach the masses. What you need is just to be able to be in front of the correct people who are interested in your very niche 30, 000 offer. Now the example that's in my mind right now, this, this 30, 000 client, um, one of my previous clients, Tommy, he was an interior designer and he came up with an offer that was 30, 000, which if you can imagine like 30, 000.

Christa Romano: Yeah. An interior designer, the work that they have to do, yeah, if it's high end, if it's a luxury interior design project, a 30, 000 price tag on that, a 30, 000 ticket, it's not that unreasonable. It's not unfathomable, right? Like we can, we can imagine that an interior designer might get paid 30k for designing the [00:11:00] entire interior of a big luxurious house because it's going to take them time and it's going to take them energy.

Christa Romano: Yeah. Yeah. Now, am I the right clientele or are you the right clientele for paying 30, 000 for an interior design project? Probably not, but that's okay. We don't even need to know that that interior designer exists in the first place and we definitely don't need to know how much he charges because we are not the right clientele.

Christa Romano: Who that interior designer, who Tommy does need to be in front of, are people that are the right clientele, and who are they? Well, there are people that are moving into luxurious houses. Now, where might Tommy get in touch with people who are moving into luxurious houses? Well, there's a lot of places that he could possibly go, but as an example, he could make some relationships and network with realtors who sell luxury houses.

Christa Romano: And so if Tommy just has a few connections with the [00:12:00] right people, he literally doesn't need to be on social media at all. And you know what? I bet if you go digging through some of my social media, you probably will actually find Tommy's social media, which he made like an Instagram account. I think the You know, at, during the time that we were really working together a couple of years ago and he hasn't updated it since because he literally doesn't need to because he's in the network of the right people and he only needs a few clients per month.

Christa Romano: So no, he is not using social media and he still is a successful entrepreneur. So, just to summarize this point, remember, the higher price you can charge for what it is that you are offering, the fewer clients you need. And when you don't need that many clients, you don't need to reach that many people.

Christa Romano: And therefore, you don't need social media in order to be successful. Now, this was a pretty big [00:13:00] concept to just kind of go over in 10 minutes, but hopefully you're understanding, and I just want to reassure you that the way that I teach this, it's really not that complicated, and you can read this. Create a high ticket, small service provider business.

Christa Romano: Even if you're starting from scratch, even if you don't have any skills right now, it's not that complicated to learn some new skills that are highly profitable. If you choose the right niche, choose the right demographic to reach out to. If you're interested and passionate about learning this new skill, and if your offer is packaged and priced strategically, which is what I teach inside of the Digital Nomad Life Academy, which I guess I didn't introduce yet.

Christa Romano: So I will introduce it to you now briefly. So the Digital Nomad Life Academy or the DNLA is a super comprehensive program designed to take you from wherever you are now. Like if you're stuck in a commute, stuck in a nine to five, hate your job in nursing or [00:14:00] construction or whatever, wherever you are, it's designed to take complete beginners and teach them exactly how to create a high ticket.

Christa Romano: small service provider business that they actually love and enjoy. And of course, one that they can do and run from anywhere in the world. So everyone inside of the DNLA is building the same kind of business. They're all building the same business model. Again, the high ticket small service provider model, but everyone's doing different things.

Christa Romano: So some people are say they're. Their offer is being a virtual assistant, or a coach, or a content creator, or an editor, or a designer, or some other kind of freelancer. Maybe they're a party planner, maybe they're an interior designer, maybe they have a, maybe they have a community of their own, maybe they're a contractor of some sort.

Christa Romano: There's, like, there's a lot. Basically inside of the DNLA, everybody's doing something different. However, they are all still following the same high ticket, small service provider model. [00:15:00] And that's why they're able to come in, watch all of the coaching content to actually learn how to build this business.

Christa Romano: And then the coaching calls are relevant to everyone. And we have so many coaches like three or four coaching calls every single week to accommodate all time zones. And to accommodate all schedules as well, I know that a lot of people that join the DNLA, they have work Monday through Friday. So that's why there's always a coaching call on Sunday.

Christa Romano: So we really made the program so that there's no excuses to not get results, like everything that you need. Again, the, the coursework to teach you how to build and market your business. the community to motivate you, the coaching to help you answer any questions and also work through your shadows. Um, and the character development is another aspect of the program as well.

Christa Romano: Like we really talk a lot about personal growth and how entrepreneurship is such a vehicle for personal growth. And that actually is going to end up [00:16:00] being what a lot of this episode is actually about. But before we get into that, I do just want to touch upon the power of social media and why you don't need it, but why it really is super, super, super helpful in becoming.

Christa Romano: wildly successful as a digital nomad. And I want to emphasize that for a sec too, because I think that, um, maybe it's just me, or I dunno, the kind of people that I think are listening to the podcast. But I think so many people approach a digital nomad lifestyle as like, wow, it would be so amazing if I could just travel.

Christa Romano: all the time and if I could just be free like that and I don't even need to make that much money I would be so happy with just that freedom and while I do think that there are some people on this planet who really benefit from minimalism I don't think that that is what you should aspire for like being a [00:17:00] minimalist Sometimes it's about anti consumerism, which I agree with.

Christa Romano: Like I really dislike the consumerist culture that we have in our Western world. But I also think that a lot of people say, Oh, I want to be a minimalist actually, because they're scared of dreaming bigger and of wanting more. But, you know, I think that digital nomadism is a wonderful vehicle for growth.

Christa Romano: And something that I would love to see all of my listeners grow into is to be unapologetically successful. And when you're successful, naturally you're going to be making money. That's just par for the course. So I'm not here to just tell you how to book a one way plane ticket and live off of 2, 000 a month.

Christa Romano: I'm here to help you book a one way plane ticket and aim to be making 20, 000 a month, 40, 000 a month, 100, 000 a month. But you're going to start. Of course, with something [00:18:00] smaller than that, but just know that you can really dream that big. Like, you really can be making 100, 000 a month online. That, that is actually how average people are able to become millionaires right now.

Christa Romano: It's because they work online. They are leveraging the internet rather than leveraging, say, their Ivy League business school master's degree and connections with daddy's money or whatever. Like, some people are making 100, 000 a month because they are, CEO type people and again, they have those connections, but everybody else who is making a killing is doing it because they are again, leveraging the internet.

Christa Romano: Now, leveraging the internet and my social media presence has been absolutely key and critical to my big success as a digital nomad entrepreneur. And I guess I didn't actually really share like where I'm at right now in my business or in my life [00:19:00] earlier when I introduced myself. So um, I do also want to share with you a little bit about my journey, um, with social media and how improving my social media has deeply impacted my income.

Christa Romano: Um, And also I think I want to talk about my relationship with social media and how it has significantly changed over the years as well, because I think this story will really resonate with you. So, um, like I said, I have been traveling, I've been living abroad ever since 2013, but I didn't actually start taking Instagram seriously until about 2017.

Christa Romano: So that's actually four years that I was living the digital nomad life, literally only ever posting on Snapchat. Which, first of all, is actually kind of devastating, because I just had so many adventures and so much fun back then, but I just really wasn't taking social media very seriously, you know? All those cool memories that I could have been documenting and posting about, they just never got posted about.

Christa Romano: And [00:20:00] any pictures that I did take, any videos that I did take back in the day, I'm not in any of them. It's actually just like landscape photos and I don't know. It just it makes me a little bit sad actually like those two years that I lived in Thailand at the beginning of my nomad journey. It's like, it's almost like I wasn't even there.

Christa Romano: I mean I have memories and stories to show for it of course but I don't have like the time. Documentation in my marketing now, I would love to be showing you pictures of what my life was like back then, but I just literally don't have it because I wasn't documenting shit and I wasn't sharing it either.

Christa Romano: Why wasn't I? Because one, I thought that it was super narcissistic to be on social media and I didn't want to be seen as a narcissist. Two, because even though actually a lot of people were like, wow, your life is so interesting. I always thought that there were some people that had access to my social media that wouldn't think I was interesting, that would [00:21:00] actually critique me or maybe even bully me.

Christa Romano: So I was scared of what they thought. Also, I was pretty insecure about the way that I looked. Um, like I was very self critical always of like, was my, what about my smile? What about my hair? What about the way that my belly looks? What about the way that my arm looks in this picture? Like I was just very physically insecure about the way that I looked.

Christa Romano: I also didn't like the way that my voice sounded on camera. So, anyway, that led me to, yeah, still living this, like, digital nomad interesting life without ever documenting myself in it. So I don't have a whole lot of, like, early days content to show you. Which, whatever, that's neither here nor there. I just really wanted to emphasize the fact that I, too, once had an aversion to showing up on social media.

Christa Romano: Now, why did that start to change? Well, a few years in, basically, this guy that I had a crush on made some comment, um, on, um, Something that I did post because it wasn't that I never [00:22:00] posted it at all. I just wasn't taking it seriously Anyway, I posted this video of me standing in front of this wall of mirrors I think I was in Portugal maybe and the mirrors were all these like funky shapes Like I think they were a bunch of circles and stars and stuff.

Christa Romano: So obviously there was a lot of Not mirror in the picture too, but uh, I was filming the video and of course you could see some of me in the mirror So I waved and then I posted it and this guy that I like he commented on it and he was like, oh there She is like finally you're showing yourself And I was like, what are you talking about?

Christa Romano: And he was like, don't you know that people follow you on social media because they're curious about you and your experience in the place? Like it's cool seeing the places that you go to, but no offense, your pictures are never going to be as good as a, as a real photographer's pictures. So it's just really nice when we see you in the photo because we're following for you.

Christa Romano: And, um, Yeah, I [00:23:00] think that was like a little bit of a shock to hear, but also I was super grateful and it did really shift my perspective on social media because I was like, you know what I might not be a flawless human, like for some reason People that have perfectionism, which I used to be one of those people, uh, feel like there's some kind of standard that they need to reach, um, which is just so ridiculous.

Christa Romano: Like humans are not perfect. So anyway, at the time I was like, okay, even though I'm not perfect, it's still better than not existing in my content at all. So then I started being a little bit more available, uh, to start putting myself in the content. Like I started maybe taking more selfies or pictures with friends, etc.

Christa Romano: I started off slow, right? And, as I started posting more about my digital nomad life, more people started to follow me because they were like, Wait, this is so interesting. How are you doing this? And as my audience started to grow, I got [00:24:00] more motivated because I was like, oh cool, people are actually getting value out of what I'm posting.

Christa Romano: It's not me posting for my own narcissism. I'm actually posting to provide value. I'm actually posting to provide inspiration for other people. I'm posting value to others. So suddenly my relationship with social media shifted from me thinking like every post that I do that I'm in it is me being a narcissist.

Christa Romano: No, no, no. I'm not. I'm posting it because one, that's what people are following me for. They're following me for my experience. It sounds obvious, but literally I didn't, that didn't click for me before. So I started posting myself more in it because I knew that that's what people wanted to see and they wanted to hear from me because what I had to say and what I was experiencing was interesting.

Christa Romano: So, um, of course the more positive feedback you get on something, the more motivated you're going to be to do it. So then I was like, wait a minute, They're really [00:25:00] interested and curious in what it is that I have to say. So then I was like, well, let me figure out how to go all in on social media. So I had a job at the time.

Christa Romano: Okay. Now we're talking like 2000, I think 18. Um, I had this job, the job was fine. It did let me travel. And actually for a few years, like this travel digital nomad job that I had was really cool. And enabled my lifestyle in really amazing ways, but I got to a point where I was like, I am so unfulfilled by this job right now.

Christa Romano: Like, yes, it affords me lots of freedom. Yes, it lets me be anywhere in the world, but I'm unhappy in the eight hours a day that I'm doing something behind my laptop. And, um, so basically I, I was able to ask my job if I could start learning social media for them. And really it was for [00:26:00] myself, right? But I was like, Hey, I'm super interested in social media.

Christa Romano: And like, can I do it? So luckily I was able to shift my digital nomad job into a social media position. And, uh, everything that I learned on behalf of growing the account for the company that I worked for, I also was learning how to grow my account myself, like how to grow my own account, right?

Christa Romano: My own personal one. So now we're up to 2018, 2019, and I started to have a sizable audience on Instagram. Like, I think I had about like 10, 000 followers by 2019. And that was a time when I was like, wait a minute, I have an audience. I should be making money from this audience. I didn't know how I could make money from an audience, but I just figured if you have an audience, then therefore there should be money out of it.

Christa Romano: So I was like, okay, what are all the different kinds of ways that I could leverage making money from my audience. And, um, This is when you know, earlier on in the episode I said I just tried to create so many different kind of businesses. This was really the time when I was like, I have an audience, but how do [00:27:00] I monetize it?

Christa Romano: So I tried to make a couple businesses and I failed, but I was still doing it. Killing it on social media. That was going really, really well. And it wasn't actually until, um, I hired my first business coach, which always is such a hack, it's such a shortcut to life, but my business coach taught me how to monetize that audience with my first ever high ticket, small service provider business.

Christa Romano: And what that business was, was lifestyle coaching. I was coaching people on all the possibilities of digital nomadism, which sounds exactly like the business that I have now, but it's not. The business that I have now is actually business coaching. And back then it was just lifestyle coaching, huge difference.

Christa Romano: Anyway, that is where I started. But remember, I still had my full time remote job. And for me, I am pretty, I guess you could say conservative still with, my financial risks. So I didn't want to quit my job before [00:28:00] I had more than replaced my income. I wanted to double my income before I quit my job. So, and by the way, I always recommend that to my clients too.

Christa Romano: Like you can be building a business in the way that I teach it. While maintaining your full time job. That's what I did anyway. So um, I was not able to really promote my business big time, even though I had an audience on social media that was interested in the thing that I was posting about still, um, my CTA, my call to action, the thing that I was.

Christa Romano: Um, and I had to keep it really low key, like I couldn't say, follow me if you want digital nomad coaching, or message me if you want digital nomad coaching, um, and I could not brand myself as a digital nomad coach, but I had to make content that was, you know, Um, drawing in people that were curious about the digital nomad lifestyle and getting them to [00:29:00] message me somehow by saying like, comment me if, um, you have ever thought about being a digital nomad.

Christa Romano: And then I would go DM them. And that was actually how I got my first few clients. So. You know, you might be listening to this episode being like, okay Krista you say that I don't need to have an audience on social media in order for me to make a full time income and Right. I did say that you don't need an audience You don't need social media to be making a full time income as a digital nomad And I know even though I had an audience the point is I really wasn't Using it in the way that you would think, because again, I had to be low key about it.

Christa Romano: Like I couldn't let my company know that I was creating another business on the side. What I could have done if I didn't have that audience was I could have seen other people talking about digital nomadism and I could have seen who was commenting on those posts and then [00:30:00] I could have struck up a conversation with those people and then ultimately reveal to them that, hey, I've been a digital nomad for all these years.

Christa Romano: This is what I know. Do you want me to help you? And, um, again, like selling to them. My high ticket offer through the DMs. Now, this is a huge value of social media. And, um, I believe, one of the things I love about social media is it really is a way to connect with people. With, with humans, with real humans.

Christa Romano: It's real people behind the screen. And I've met some of my closest friends via social media. I have made so many amazing business partnerships via social media, and I've been able to keep in touch with people via social media. So social media, it's not just for you to sell. But it's also a great way for you to stay in touch and, um, just continue letting people know what it is that you're doing and reminding them that you exist and reminding them.

Christa Romano: [00:31:00] Now, again, we're back talking about business, reminding them that you have a business, reminding them that you do a certain thing. It's the concept of staying quote top of mind to your network. So, um, a lot of the people that I worked with in the early days of my business They were actually friends of friends, like they had been following me because they knew someone who knew me and then someone was like, Oh yeah, my friend Krista, she's a digital nomad.

Christa Romano: Go follow her. They had no idea that I had a business because again, I was hiding the fact that I had a business from my company that I was working for.

Christa Romano: You don't need to have your own audience. You do just need to know where the people who could hire you are existing online. But if you are at the center of where they exist, it just makes your life and your business so much easier. Now, [00:32:00] even though I was able to get a few of these videos, clients, like my initial few clients, I was able to get them, um, without really leveraging my audience.

Christa Romano: Having my audience did enable me to scale my business in all the ways very, very quickly. So this is what I was saying earlier about like, just dream bigger. Like don't take this whole, Oh, I'm, I'd be happy making 2, 000 a month bullshit because no, you should be wanting to make more money than that. Like be abundant.

Christa Romano: You deserve to be abundant anyway. If I had kept doing what I was doing, not really leveraging my audience, I still could have continued getting a few clients a month and making a full time income and that would have been fine. But I am a big dreamer. And I have big goals and basically as soon as I accomplish one goal, then I'm like, okay, what's next, what's next, what's next.

Christa Romano: And that really keeps me growing. And um, it just, I, I love [00:33:00] always having really big goals. So once I was like, okay, cool. I know how to get a few clients in this way. Now to scale What can I do? I can raise my prices or I can create a group coaching program. So I did both. And the thing about having an audience, even if you're not selling to everybody in that audience, it just makes your options more plentiful.

Christa Romano: And when you have more plentiful options, it's easier for you to have really high standards for who you work with. You can be more exclusive. And you can command higher prices. So basically, when I first started coaching, I had set my prices pretty low. And then as more and more people started working with me, I started raising my prices.

Christa Romano: And then, you know, I raised my prices to a point where it was no longer like, Oh wow, this is Easy, cheap, no brainer option. It got to a point where people who wanted to work with me, they were like, okay, like this is a [00:34:00] significant investment. And some people would say no to me. Some people would be like, no, your offer is too expensive and I can't afford it.

Christa Romano: And, um, what I would say to that was, okay, No problem, like good luck. And I would just go back to posting to my audience knowing that there were more people in there who would be available to pay me. Of course, not everybody who's following you will ever be a customer. But the point is, the bigger your audience is, the more potential customers you have in there.

Christa Romano: And therefore, you won't have a problem. So much fear or scarcity when someone says, no, I don't want your offer or no, your offer isn't perfect. Or I'm going to a competitor or you're too expensive. Like if someone says you're too expensive, you're just going to be like, I'm just too expensive for, for you.

Christa Romano: I'm not too expensive for people. I'm not too expensive for the market. I'm just too expensive for you because you are cheap because you [00:35:00] don't have the money and that's fine for you. Like sorry for you, but I know that there's a lot of people that are following me because they get value and what it is that I'm sharing and eventually one of them is going to pay me the price that I actually want.

Christa Romano: And now what that does for me and my business is that I get to feel really well compensated for the work that I do. And when I feel well compensated for the work that I do, guess what? I do a better job at my work and the better job that I do at my work, the better results my clients get and then the more confident I feel in my business and therefore I get better at selling in my business.

Christa Romano: And then when I get better at selling in my business, my business makes more money. So while no, you don't need. You don't need to have social media in order to get started as a digital nomad. It really freaking helps. It helps so much. It helps you feel confident raising your prices. [00:36:00] It helps you face the fear of rejection and criticism.

Christa Romano: So much more. It helps you face the, Oh, what if I don't close five sales calls in a row? Cause that might happen, right? Statistically, um, you will be able to stay in an abundance mindset because there are lots of people who are following you for the reasons. that you're posting. And if you get to a point where you're like, cool, I have this high ticket offer and now I have this audience of 10, 000 people and I can't serve 10, 000 people with my high ticket offer because my high ticket offer is directly tied to the audience.

Christa Romano: my time and energy. Now, now you can start thinking about lower ticket, cheaper offers that can reach more people because you now have access to more people. And now those people, all those people that are following you, they don't need to get on a sales call with you. If they're buying one of your [00:37:00] cheaper, lower ticket offers.

Christa Romano: Oh, and there's another benefit that I want to share with you about having an audience. It's that you get to be more selective over who you work with, over who you allow to hire you. So, um, because I have an audience, right? Sometimes people approach me and they're like, Hey Krista, I want your help. But I just don't think that they are like, very motivated or I don't think that they're going to get good results or whatever.

Christa Romano: And I don't want to work with somebody that I think isn't going to get good results. Like that hurts my reputation, um, when someone comes through my program and then they don't get results. So when someone like that comes into my field, I can actually tell them, you know what? I don't think that you're right for this program.

Christa Romano: And I can send them away without taking their money. And I actually do do that. Time to time. I mean, for the most part, I think I can help most people, but there just have been a few occasions where someone's come to me and, you know, they tell me that they're addicted to [00:38:00] video games or something, for example, and I'm like, you know what, dude, like, if you're addicted to video games, there's no way that you're going to be able to be an entrepreneur.

Christa Romano: Like you need to be addicted to the dream. Not addicted to pressing a bunch of buttons. So, side note. That actually is something in common with all the people that I've rejected from my program, is that they are addicted to video games. So if you want to become a digital nomad, side note, cure your addiction to video games before you come talk to me, because if I hear that you have one, I'm probably going to be like, dude, it's just not going to work for you.

Christa Romano: Um, so, clear that up. And then come to me. And if you need help clearing that up, uh, you can slide into my DMs and tell me that this message struck you and we can talk about some methods to help you, um, get back on track so that you can become a digital nomad. Anyway, the point is you get to be more exclusive in who you work with.

Christa Romano: And if you're working with a client who's just like a shitty client, maybe they're rude to you or they don't respect your time or [00:39:00] whatever, you can fire those clients as well because you're like, I have an audience of people that are interested in what it is that I'm doing, and I know that more sales can come in as soon as I put out a message, so I don't need you client, like, thanks for the money, but actually, no thanks, I'd rather collect money from someone who is more enjoyable to work with.

Christa Romano: So hopefully all this makes sense, right? Hopefully you now understand that no, you really do not need to be on social media in order to get clients. If you have a high ticket small service provider offer, that is, and if you are strategic about the way that you do get clients with your high ticket offer, But regardless of what kind of business you have or where you're at in business, having a presence on social media is absolutely game changing and I really can't recommend utilizing this free tool [00:40:00] enough for your business because You don't want to be this struggling to get by on 2, 000 a month and only being able to afford rent in Vietnam kind of lifestyle.

Christa Romano: You want to be able to afford going to Norway, or London, or Singapore, or Hong Kong, or Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Like, you want to be able to do the things that you want to do when you're a digital nomad. And you need money. to be able to do a lot of the things that you probably want to do. So dream big, know that you're worthy of it.

Christa Romano: And um, just try like, why aren't you trying to grow on social media? Okay, let's actually talk about that. Welcome to the psychology portion of the digital nomad life podcast. We got to get into this because this is important.

Christa Romano: Alright, so hopefully at this point now you are convinced that being on social media can absolutely change the game and improve your life, improve your business in so many ways. [00:41:00] And if you know that, but you're like, yeah, but I still don't want to, or I don't know if it's for me, or I don't know if I can do it or insert, like, actually, I ask you now, What is that insert the blank sentence for you personally?

Christa Romano: Get clear on what your resistance actually is, and then we will be able to start Solving this problem and figuring out a way around it. So, um, let's take some of my previous insecurities, right? Like, uh, I shared with you earlier all the reasons why I didn't want to be on social media earlier. It's because I thought that it was narcissistic because I didn't like the way that I looked.

Christa Romano: I didn't like the way that my voice sounded. I didn't think I had anything interesting to say, and I was scared of what other people would think. So, um, those are a lot of common reasons why people don't show up in social media. You might have.[00:42:00] 

Christa Romano: So, um, I'm going to talk a little bit about why you might not want to be on it, but if you're not really honest and clear with yourself on exactly the reason why, then, um, you're going to continue having this resistance to it and you're going to keep procrastinating it even though you know you should be doing it.

Christa Romano: Okay. Now, Transcripts If you're aware of the reason why you don't want to be sharing on social media or what your resistance is, now we're going to start looking for ways around that thing. I believe in healing and I believe in growing personally and I also believe in starting with the path of least resistance.

Christa Romano: That's again why I have chosen the small service provider model to be the first thing that I teach people because it's the path of least resistance. You don't need to have a super developed skill set. You don't need to have a huge audience. You don't need to, yeah, [00:43:00] you just don't need a lot of stuff in order to get started.

Christa Romano: So, When you want to get started on social media, let's talk about what would be the easiest way for you to get started. So what you don't have to do to go all in on social media and to start utilizing it in your business is you don't need to have high production content. So you don't need to have any kind of fancy camera.

Christa Romano: And you don't necessarily even need to be a talking head. Like you don't have to take videos talking to the camera. If that's something that cringes you out because you don't want AI to see your face or because you don't want someone to know where you are or because you hate the way that your voice sounds.

Christa Romano: Well, there are other ways to be showing up in social media rather than taking a selfie video, talking to the camera. What you can do instead is you can post on LinkedIn. You can write. Posts on LinkedIn and that still counts as social media. You can also post on threads You can [00:44:00] also post on Twitter.

Christa Romano: These are all places where you don't need to be Talking to the camera. You don't even need to be taking photos. In fact to be utilizing those social media platforms so Again, like, let's just get real here. If you're thinking, yeah, I don't want to be on social media and you're only thinking about social media as you talking to the camera and acting like an influencer and embarrassing yourself in front of everybody that you know, well, you're making a way bigger deal out of this than it has to be.

Christa Romano: You can still be killing it using social media again on these other platforms that don't require you to be talking to the camera. However. The content where you are talking to the camera does Make your life a whole lot easier when you are able to do that unapologetically and fearlessly. Just like what this guy told me earlier when he really [00:45:00] changed my perspective on social media.

Christa Romano: He was like, we're following you for you. Like we want to see your experience. We want to hear your thoughts.

Christa Romano: And there is some statistic that says that when you are in the picture or when you are in the video, your content tends to get like, 80 percent more engagement. So it is really valuable to start working your way towards the goal of being able to speak confidently to the camera. So now let's talk about that.

Christa Romano: Like how do you get yourself to a point where you can do that comfortably? Well now we need to ask ourselves another layer of the question, why are we scared to be that person? Or why are we reluctant to be that person? Now, I'll give you a secret because I go through these kind of exercises with.

Christa Romano: Alright, I'll put it on video for you guys to see. So, when that happens, I ask them, to go through this exercise. Okay. Um, if you're driving, don't close your eyes, [00:46:00] but if you are available to close your eyes right now, I want you to just listen to the sound of my voice and make note of what you are seeing behind your eyelids as I speak.

Christa Romano: Okay. So, first of all, just get a little bit grounded in your seat and relax a little bit so that you can really just pay attention to your breath and pay attention to the inside of your body. So just pay attention to the way that your stomach feels, pay attention to the air on your skin. Pay attention to if there's any sensations inside of your body right now.

Christa Romano: And what I want you to do is I want you to imagine that it is two years in the future and two years into the future, you have already created a digital nomad business and you have already launched a Instagram channel where people people [00:47:00] are following you because of your business. So what I want you to do is imagine that you are walking down the street in your neighborhood and you get a great idea and you think, I think that my audience would feel really interested in this thought.

Christa Romano: So you take out your phone and you go to Instagram And you press the selfie video button and you start talking to the camera and you laugh a little bit as you start sharing the thing that you want to share and then you post some stickers on it and then you say, you know what, let's just post this thing to our stories right now.

Christa Romano: So you post the video to your stories and then you put the phone in your pocket and you walk a little bit further and then you think, Hmm. I wonder who is seeing my story right now. So you take back out your phone, you go to the story that you just posted, where again, you're talking to the camera. [00:48:00] And I want you to look at the list of people who have seen the story.

Christa Romano: And as you scroll, I want you to make note of whose faces or whose Instagram accounts are really standing out to you after you have posted this story. So are you noticing that it is one of your parents who saw your story? Is it one of your friends? Is it a co worker? Is it an old boss? Of course there will be strangers in there, but who is that you know that saw your story?

Christa Romano: You can pause this if you want to think about it and I recommend that you do think about this because this is actually super important. So if you were having trouble dropping into that, just rewind this by like 30 seconds or something and listen to it again and really try to see [00:49:00] whose names are watching your stories because, for the most part, when we are doing something that currently we feel is scary and then we imagine ourselves doing it we suddenly get all curious about oh who's watching us who's judging us and your subconscious will hyper fixate on whoever those people are not necessarily your biggest fans it's going to show you in your subconscious who your biggest critics are so when you know who your biggest critics are Now you will have the ability to actually address those critics either on your own, in your own mind, or you can talk to them personally.

Christa Romano: So something that I know is really, really common with people when they do this exercise, when they go through that visualization is they will imagine sometimes the bullies from high school, like the mean kids, the popular kids, or they might [00:50:00] imagine one of their closest friends who is actually pretty judgmental.

Christa Romano: And maybe this friend is actually not such a good friend. Maybe this friend is kind of bringing you down a lot. Or maybe this friend is someone who tends to keep you playing small. Or maybe it's one of your parents. Maybe it's one of your parents who always wished that you were gonna pursue being a doctor or a lawyer or something like that.

Christa Romano: Maybe it's one of your parents who you really want them to love you and be impressed by you and they just are not. They're just actually super critical and always really hard on you. These are just some examples of things that I've heard as I've taken my clients through that visualization. And it's really important to know, again, who you are worried about judging you.

Christa Romano: Another one that I hear a lot is that it's a colleague or an old boss, um, of a job where you didn't leave the best [00:51:00] impression, right? Like maybe you didn't do a great job at that job, um, and you have all these people that are kind of like, not believing in you. So if that's the case, then these people are always going to exist and they're always going to be entitled to their own opinion.

Christa Romano: But you have to decide if you want to let their negative opinion of you continue to negatively affect your future by preventing you psychologically from showing up fully online, where you know that that you could be maximizing and scaling your business and your profitability. This is where the healing and the shadow work comes in.

Christa Romano: And if you are not familiar with the term shadow work, we'll just scroll back a few episodes from now and you will see shadow work and light work for digital nomads. And in that episode, I teach you how to overcome these feelings of fear of criticism, fear of failure, fear of what will other people think, et cetera.

Christa Romano: [00:52:00] You really need to know who you are scared of judging you and then have an honest conversation with yourself in Will I continue to let this disrupt my future or will I? Make the moves to start believing in myself and not caring what other people think Because that is how you will liberate yourself, by the way Someone just said this to me yesterday, someone I had a phone call with and I was like, you know what?

Christa Romano: I'm totally going to put this in my next podcast. But it is the secret to a happy life lies on the other side of what other people think. I'm going to say that again. The secret to a happy life lies on the other side of what people think. And how true is that? Like when you literally stop giving a fuck what other people think, how will you start showing up in the world?

Christa Romano: You're going to start showing up as yourself, as your authentic self. And when you are showing up as your authentic [00:53:00] self, it gets a whole lot easier to be just doing whatever it is that you want because you're just doing things naturally. You're doing things that come naturally to you. It's when we are trying to be someone that we're not is when we are trying to pose as something that isn't authentic to us, that there's resistance, that there's this uphill battle.

Christa Romano: And then we get scared of what will people think because we're probably showing them an inauthentic version of ourself and of course there's going to be some kind of incongruency or disconnect there and then people are going to notice that and they're going to think that that feels weird and then they're going to judge you for it.

Christa Romano: People judge you when you are not showing up as yourself and you know what if they are judging you for you showing up as yourself like if you really are showing up as your authentic cringy AF self And there are people that are out there that are like, Oh, that person's so cringe. Actually, what now what we want to think about is, Why is that person so [00:54:00] judgmental?

Christa Romano: Because oftentimes when we judge, it's actually because there's something within us that's getting triggered. So just think about all the, the popular kids in school, right? Like the mean kids.

Christa Romano: Guarantee you, for the most part, those kids do not come from happy families. And those kids were not given the love and attention that they deserved when they were children. Because if they did, they would understand that love feels so good and that it feels good to give love and receive love and that's what they would want to do.

Christa Romano: But instead what they are conditioned to doing from their childhood is being mean probably because their parents are mean to them. And that's just the unfortunate truth. So what you have to understand is that when there are people out there that are bullying, when there are people out there that are trolling, it's usually because something inside of them [00:55:00] is deeply wounded.

Christa Romano: Now, of course, it doesn't feel good to have a wounded person attacking you. But at the same time, if you know that that person is probably wounded, you might not take their actions so personally and you would be able to see past their true intentions. mean comments because you'd be like, you know what, I see that you're just having a really bad day and I'm going to let this one go and not take it personally because sometimes when people are in chronic pain, they lash out and they're not the nicest people.

Christa Romano: And it's because their pain is overtaking their system. So if you are worried about being bullied or trolled online, I mean, do know that like, it kind of comes with the territory of growing on social media, but it doesn't mean that anything people say is actually true. I was actually just having a conversation with some of my clients earlier today about this.

Christa Romano: Um, one of my clients was [00:56:00] saying that she felt nervous about, um, trolls on social media, and that made her reluctant to post about her business. And I just, uh, and she actually specifically was talking about posting on Reddit. So, um, What's interesting about Reddit is that people are completely anonymous, whereas like on Instagram, you can at least see their profile picture, it might be connected to their Facebook, um, maybe they've even posted something on Instagram, so even though people are like ruthlessly trolling on Instagram anyway sometimes, um, at least they have to do it from Their account, or you might see people that are making an anonymous account, right?

Christa Romano: And then in that case, when they criticize you, you're just like, this is so low and petty, dude. Like, you can't even say this shit to my face, showing yourself, like, how small are you? That's elites, that's how I feel when I see people trolling that, um, don't have [00:57:00] profiles. Like, they obviously are trying to hide something.

Christa Romano: Of themselves, right? Anyway, in this conversation with my client where she was posting on Reddit, she was like, yeah, somebody said this thing. And then I deleted my post. And I was like, okay, what I want you to do is to imagine that there's someone out there who literally is a basement troll. They're living in their parents basement.

Christa Romano: They have a desk that's covered in Twinkie wrappers and stale Coca Cola.

Christa Romano: This person clearly doesn't exercise, clearly doesn't take care of themselves, clearly has poor hygiene. They might not have even brushed their teeth.

Christa Romano: Their shirt has holes and stains on it, and they are the people that are part of the Keyboard Warriors. That person, is who is saying mean shit to you on Reddit. That is the person who is trolling you from behind a private account on Instagram. So I was like, just find a picture of this person and print it out and put it next to your desk [00:58:00] and write over the word, right over the picture, the word projection.

Christa Romano: Because that is what trolling is actually. And that's what just like when people are mean and judgmental of others, that's what it is. It's projection, which if you don't know what projection means, it's essentially this psychological concept that everyone is viewing the world through their own lens. My lens on the world, for example, is that everything's amazing.

Christa Romano: Like my life is fucking amazing. So of course I'm going to be out here telling you that life is amazing and that you can have an amazing life. And that if I did it, you can too. And like, when you listen to my content, you get to see the world through my lens and you get to hear the advice that someone like with my perspective would have.

Christa Romano: Still though, my projection is mine, whereas someone else who maybe has tried to create a business and failed, or maybe they grew up with parents that never [00:59:00] allowed them to pursue anything that was authentic to them. And that person always stayed stuck in a nine to five and that person really wants to believe that the nine to five is the best.

Christa Romano: path in life because that's what they chose and they want to believe that they chose a good path in life. They're going to give you different advice than advice that I would give you. And that's because they're projecting their beliefs about the world onto you. Now, that doesn't mean that their beliefs or my beliefs that either one of us is right or wrong.

Christa Romano: They're just different. And you get to be the filter. You get to decide who it is that you are receiving energy from. You always get to decide. Now when you're on social media, of course, and you are the person that's putting out content and people are just responding to you, you just have to remember that people are going to be responding to you from their own perspectives.

Christa Romano: And if you don't know what their perspective is, [01:00:00] you just better leave their opinion at the door. Like you don't need to take on their opinion. imagine them again to be that like gross keyboard warrior in their mom's basement.

Christa Romano: Or if it's someone that you do respect and you value what it is that they think and they are the ones that's bullying you or they are the ones that's criticizing you or they are the one that's judging you. They're the one giving you contrary advice. I want you to ask yourself, Um, might they have any kind of subconscious or secret agenda reason to be criticizing me in this way?

Christa Romano: And that reason could be that they want to protect their own ego. It could be that they want to keep you at home. It could be that they want to maintain https: otter. ai

Christa Romano: for their own benefit. And that's just because humans are human and humans are imperfect and sometimes we're mean [01:01:00] to each other and, you know, it's okay. Again, it's just up to you to determine if you want that to get in the way of your abundant, successful, amazing life. Or not. I hope that the answer is you do not want to let other people's judgments and opinions of you sabotage your chances of becoming a digital nomad.

Christa Romano: But you know, I'm making this whole, I made this whole episode and I've been harping on this for probably like an hour now because it's just so common for people to avoid social media because again, they have fears and insecurities and They just let those fears and insecurities completely self sabotage their chances of success.

Christa Romano: And when I say success, we're on the same page here, right? We're talking about being a well paid digital nomad. Someone who has a career and a business that you actually love that you can run from anywhere in the world [01:02:00] and that gets you paid an uncapped earning potential. Yes. As I mentioned earlier, the way that I help people is I help them get started with a business model that is easy to begin.

Christa Romano: Doesn't require you to have a thriving social media audience or any audience at all for that matter. And allows you to start getting paid a decent income very quickly. When I say very quickly, I mean, it could be as soon as three months from now. And you could be making that 2, 000 a month that could allow you to go live in Vietnam, like literally within three months.

Christa Romano: So if you want to liberate your life ASAP, then I can absolutely help you do that. But do you know what? I want you to have bigger goals than that too. And. I want you to shoot for the stars because when you can unlock these fears, when you can get over your fear of criticism, when you can stop caring what other people think, and when you can just start going for it unapologetically, oh [01:03:00] my god, you have no idea how good life will be.

Christa Romano: You have no idea, like, I'm just looking around my room right now. I'm recording this episode in my bedroom and outside I see these palm trees and birds flying and There's a volcano in the distance. And later today, I'm going to take my dog on a sunset walk on a beach. I'm in Bali, by the way, where I live.

Christa Romano: I live in a tropical Island. I eat the best, freshest food. I live in my absolute dream home. I get to spend my days with other entrepreneurs and other travel people from all over the world. I eat at the best restaurants. I go, there's so much cool nightlife here and I'm literally living in my dream, my dream.

Christa Romano: And remember there was a time when I was so insecure when I didn't have direction.

Christa Romano: When I felt stuck in a commute, when I felt stuck in the rat race, when I felt stuck in the matrix because of my old corporate job, [01:04:00] where I was living in a shoe box sized apartment in New York city, where literally you could turn the light off in the middle of the fricking day and wave your hand around your face.

Christa Romano: And you couldn't see your hand because it was so dark in there because we literally no natural light because the only window in the apartment faced an alley that was literally only 10 feet wide. So that's where I started and now I'm here and also I'm making amazing money. Like I make minimum 200 K a year, but some, I mean, I'm on track to make way more than that over the next coming years as I scale my business and as I grow my social media audience, which is something that I now am newly re inspired to focus on again.

Christa Romano: Because there's time to focus on different things, right? And I used to be really focused on social media, and then I grew an audience. And over the past few years I've just been maintaining that audience. But now I'm like, you know what? I wanna grow it again. So I think I'm also making this episode for me too, right?

Christa Romano: Like I know of all people that there can be so much resistance around [01:05:00] social media and it really is just about what's in our subconscious. It's so much more than the practical nature of filming the content or again having a camera or tripod or whatever. Like it's really not that hard to be a content creator.

Christa Romano: It's really not that hard, um, to be talking about your business online. The hard part is what you're making it mean in your mind. The hard part is overcoming the fears. The hard part is believing that you have something valuable and worthy to say. No, if you've never heard me say it. I'm going to say this now and it is that entrepreneurship is such a vehicle for personal growth.

Christa Romano: It's crazy. And it's because of this stuff that I've just been talking about with social media. It's that when you want to become a business owner and a successful business owner, it literally forces you to confront your demons. It forces you to confront the fact that you have been criticized by mom and [01:06:00] dad your whole life or that you have.

Christa Romano: hurtful memories of being bullied in school or whatever, and, and that you're unhealed about those things. And if you want to become successful, digital nomad entrepreneur, you just have to get over that shit. And you have to heal those things. Um, and entrepreneurship really shows you where and what you need to heal.

Christa Romano: So I also hope that like you take this as a sign to see your triggers as real. really valuable pieces of information that point you in the direction of where and how you can grow and transcend into your potential as fast as possible. And growing into your potential, by the way, is the whole

Christa Romano: goal that I have inside of the Digital Nomad Life Academy as the founder and head coach there. So I know you heard me talk about the Digital Nomad Life Academy or the DNLA earlier in this episode, but if you have made it through this whole episode and you're like, Feeling extra [01:07:00] motivated to just go for it and be a superstar and Kill it in your business like amazing, but do know that, you know, shadows and insecurities and fears and stuff, they come up in every single stage of business and working with a coach is absolutely game changing.

Christa Romano: Like having another person to bounce back these ideas off of you, to help you question what your subconscious is hiding from you. It is literally the hack. It is a shortcut to success. So I invite you to send me a message on Instagram with the keywords social media podcast. And then I'll know that you came from this episode.

Christa Romano: If you send me that keyword social media podcast at Christabella travels on Instagram, I will send you an application to join the DNLA and I'm going to ask you some questions and I was gonna say, I'm not gonna ask you if you are addicted to video games, um, but uh, just know that like, you know, I ask you to [01:08:00] apply because it is important for me that I'm able to hear from people about whether they're gonna be a good fit for the program or not.

Christa Romano: Because there's a lot of people in the program, it's like a hundred people that are enrolled in the DNLA right now. So, there's so many really Fucking cool people to meet and I want to make sure that you're one of those cool people too because it's really important that Everybody in the community feels super welcomed and super inspired by one another that people have similar goals and similar ambitions and um Yeah, that they're willing to talk about this kind of personal development, character development, shadow, vulnerable stuff, because that's how we get over it.

Christa Romano: That's how we transcend. That's how we become more successful entrepreneurs by getting over our shit. So when you're inside of the DNLA. Yes, you learn how to build a business. Yes, you learn how to market a business. Yes, I also help you choose what business to create. By the way, um, you can always listen to episode 33 of this podcast to figure out how I can help you choose a [01:09:00] business idea.

Christa Romano: but anyway, you have the career clarity, you have the coaching, you have the community, you have the coursework. You have all of this stuff provided by me and the other coaches in the DNLA to help you become really successful. But the fifth part, the fifth C is the character development, which is such an important aspect of entrepreneurship.

Christa Romano: And it's why I'm really passionate about it. Um, I just think that becoming an entrepreneur really does help you whoever you are meant to be in your highest timeline. It's just a very powerful experience, a very powerful personal growth experience to be an entrepreneur. And, um, I would love to guide you along that journey of you becoming your highest potential.

Christa Romano: So remember, send me the keyword on Instagram at @christabellatravels Social Media Podcast and let's talk about if the Digital Nomad Life Academy is right for you. And mark my words, if I think that you're not going to get good results or if you're not a right fit for the program, I'll [01:10:00] definitely let you know.

Christa Romano: And if I, and I'm not going to be mean about it, I'm going to be like, Hey, look, like here are some things that I think maybe you need to work on first before you join the DNLA. Okay. Or I'll just send you a different resource. I'll say, you know what, this other person might be able to help you better.

Christa Romano: So I'm just really here to help people. That's why I make all these episodes. That's why I'm creating all this free content for you, because I just really want to liberate people. And I want people to be living their best lives. And you are one of them that you deserve to be living your best life. So, uh, I'll If you're listening to this podcast, it's probably because you have a belief that your best life would be as a digital nomad.

Christa Romano: And I would love to help and support you on that journey. So don't forget DM me at @christabellatravels the keyword social media podcast, apply for the DNLA, or just ask me a question. If you don't want to apply, that's okay too. And I will see you in the next episode. Thanks so much for listening. Bye.