Digital Nomad Life Podcast

83) How Olatz Built her Digital Nomad Business in the Busiest Time in her Life


This episode is for anyone who thinks they don't have enough time to learn a new skill and create a business to become a digital nomad. Today we have on my client Olatz from Repurposing for Revenue who created her digital nomad content repurposing business while she was on her working visa exploring Australia, enrolled in college classes and working multiple jobs. Despite having barely anytime Olatz made it WORK because she knew how much her life could change and the freedom she can have once she built her business and was able to become a digital nomad. 

In this episode we cover: 

  • How Olatz enrolled in the Digital Nomade Life Academy program while doing a student visa in Australia, college credts and working up to four jobs at a time.
  • What olatz did to get her first paying client as a content repurposer 
  • The kinds of shadows Olatz had to conquer stepping into entrepreneurship 
  • The most common fears stopping people from posting and sharing their digital nomad businesses on social media and how to get over them 

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 [00:00:00] Hey there and welcome to the digital nomad life podcast.

Christa: I'm your host, Christa, also known as @christabellatravels on social media. Please feel free to slide into my DMS. If you have any questions about this episode, or if you want a connection to my guest today, so I'm joined here live at a studio in Bali. We are recording this episode together, which is so cool to be recording it in real life, because, you know, as a digital nomad coach, I get to know my clients So well over zoom.

So Olatz, my beautiful guest today, um, we've been working together for a while, I guess, has it been over a year, about a year? Yeah. Um, well, we started working together a bit over a year ago and, um, Yeah, now she's here in Bali as a digital nomad as well. I'll let her explain her whole story actually, but I'm very excited about this episode.

And I think this is going to be particularly interesting for people who are fresh out of college and are looking to maybe do [00:01:00] something different than the normal, like, Just go get a basic job and work a 40 hour work week in an office kind of thing. If you don't want to do that, then you're in the right place.

Or if you're just graduated from high school too, I think it still applies. or if you are a digital nomad who is looking to lean on attraction marketing for your business. So basically using social media content and drawing clients in that way, you're going to love and get a lot out of this episode.


Olatz: that being said, welcome Olaz. Hi, thank you. I'm so excited to be here. 

Christa: I love that you're so excited to be here. Right before you came, right before we hit record, you were saying that a year or so ago, you would have like been so nervous. But now you're just happy and excited. 

Olatz: I'm just chilling. Like I'm not nervous at all.

And like over a year ago, maybe two years ago, I would be so nervous of just like being in One room talking to a microphone without people, without lights and without a camera, just a microphone and my phone. And now there's like two microphones, two lights, a camera, a TV. And I'm just like [00:02:00] chilling with the coconut.

Just so happy to be here. I'm so chill. I'm barely nervous. So that's like a really big evolution of me just like getting comfortable. So for anyone that is struggling with that, just know that. You just get over it and you just get used to it. 

Christa: It is amazing. We are in this, uh, really fabulous, very professional studio.

And, um, yeah, I think that we will get to talk a lot about your evolution as an individual, as a professional. So with that being said, um, can you introduce yourself with where are you from and what do you 

Olatz: do? Yes, so I'm a lot I'm from Spain from the north of Spain now I'm living in Bali and I am a content repurposer a content repurposer.

What is that? So basically what I do is I maximize the content pieces of other coaches and holistic professionals meaning that I take existing pieces of content, let's say a podcast or a YouTube like a YouTube video and I just make more content pieces out of it for all the [00:03:00] social media that they want to be on so they don't have to be like constantly reinventing the wheel being constantly just stressing about having to come up with like new content ideas and they always have valuable content ready to go for like their audience in the different channels and 

Christa: yeah that's what I do.

So you basically take one long form piece of content and then turn it into How many pieces of content? 

Olatz: Um, like it could be if it's a long piece of content, like 20 plus pieces of content for different social media, and it's It's really interesting because you get to see that with one valuable piece of information, you just get so much.

Like, tell me what you can do with 20 pieces of content. I don't even, I feel like I don't 

Christa: even know what I'm doing with 20 pieces of content. Okay. Actually, I'm so excited to talk about this because, um, I'm now remembering back to when we first met. First started working together and we did your career assessment and I'll put this in.

If you don't know what that is, I'll, I'll explain in a second, but we did your career assessment and, um, I remember suggesting to [00:04:00] you, what if you went into content repurposing and, um, It's so interesting because now, like, I suggested the idea to you, but you know so much more about it than I do. So you've obviously just really taken the idea and absolutely run with it and really made a career out of it.

I'm so proud of you for that. Thank you. And I would love to, um, yeah, sort of hear the story about, Just like how your business came to be and, um, the beginnings of it. So I'll just, um, for the listeners before, before I have you share your story, I want to explain what the career assessment is just so that It's in context.

Um, so basically I work with people who come to me and they say, Hey Krista, I want to be a digital nomad. I want to have my own online business, but I'm not sure what business I can create. And Ola, it's like you, you were just fresh out of college. So. Of course, it makes sense that you wouldn't have that complete clarity.

So I'm like, cool, I got you. Let's look all, [00:05:00] all over your personality, what things you're interested in, the things that you're curious about learning. And then usually after I collect all that information about my clients, then I'm able to say, Oh, have you considered doing this? So that's what I do on the career assessment call, which is usually the very first step when I work with the client.

So we did that. And, um, can you tell the listeners what that experience was like for you? Maybe before you came into it and then after the call and like what you thought about it? 

Olatz: Yeah. So I've always wanted to pursue entrepreneurship, but I, like, I never knew what to do. I just knew that I wanted to have the freedom.

I wanted to travel, meet new people, just be able to make my choices. Right. And then I met Krista and, like, I loved about her, all the NLA program that You don't have to like feed one box. Like she goes over through your legs and tells you what could suit you. So before going to the cola, I was like scared.

[00:06:00] I was nervous, scared. Like it was this big leap for me. So many people tell me that they're so scared. Wait, 

Christa: why is it so scary? 

Olatz: It's like scary, not because you're scary, but it's intimidating, you know, it's like also probably it was like maybe like my first call or second call with you. Right. So I was still nervous of like embracing this embodying this new person that I'm becoming.

I'm like, where is it going to go? Am I even going to like what she tells me? Like, I'm telling you, I was so lost. I didn't know what to do. I just knew that I wanted to do something and I knew that it had to be something that I was passionate about. Otherwise, there's like, I'm really an energy giver. So the otherwise I'm going to feel like it's draining me and thank God, like I love it.

Right. So I, I connected to the call and we had all these career assessment. Which by the way, what, Can you explain what you had to do beforehand? So basically it's a really big, um, Excel sheet that has like so many different tabs with a lot of questions of like, basically you go over what you [00:07:00] like, what you don't like, what you're good at, what you are not good at, what's like, um, just passions that you have.

And it's like a really big Excel sheet. You really have to put a lot of hours of work into, into that, like. Excel sheet. So like that, she knows where. It's not, 

Christa: it's not a numbers Excel sheet, it's just like, I'm asking, basically I'm asking you an incredibly big number of questions. How long did that assignment take you?

Olatz: Oh my God. I don't remember, but maybe it could be like 10 hours, like easily a lot, because also you don't want to do it all at once. You just want to do it when you are in the right mindset, right? So maybe like along one week, it took maybe two hours a day or something to fill it out and just be on the right mindset.

So it was just a lot of questions about your passion. So even I had to text friends or family members because I like, you know, I get imposter syndrome. So I don't have that kind of perception of myself sometimes. So I had to ask people. People will have to like see if this resonated with me and then keep writing, keep digging inside.

And yeah, it was like maybe 10 [00:08:00] plus hours. Yeah. Yeah. I 

Christa: usually tell people like, Hey, be prepared. This assignment is a serious assignment. Um, I, one I kind of like scaring people away because I, when people don't give me the right answers, I'm like, what do you want? What do you want from me? Like, you don't know what you want.

I've just met you. Like, how am I supposed to, how am I supposed to just suggest something to you? But when you do it properly, like you did, and you really took a lot of time and care and effort and did that deep, um, internal exploration and thoughtfulness, then we landed on something that you really liked.

Yeah. So, okay. Yeah. Tell me about that part. 

Olatz: Yeah. So we were on the call and we were just like talking. It was just a normal conversation. Once you're on the call, it's not scary, you know, because you just, it feels so natural. It's just a conversation. Right. And you were telling me, okay, what about if you become a content repurposer?

And I was like, What is that? You know, and then you [00:09:00] start explaining it to me and also like we even came down with the niche because I'm really passionate about like holistic professional coaches, like everything related to mental health and like, like getting better personally. With like, um, helping other people.

Right. So, um, we just landed on that and I was like, wow, like I would have never thought of, like, I didn't know that existed. Right. So I would have never landed on that. And it just felt kind of like this kind of eye opening experience. And I remember you telling me, like, it's just like, I'm holding a mirror, uh, like I'm just holding the mirror.

So I'm showing you kind of, yeah. And yeah, I just loved when you told me. You explain the whole concept to me just felt like a such a how or wow moment. Then you're just like, Oh yeah, this makes total sense. And of course I had like it felt good at the same time. So I'm like also shadows and limiting beliefs started coming up because social media is such a like.[00:10:00] 

big world. And of course I knew a lot about social media, but not that specific. and it's like scary also sometimes to start social media. and yeah, I remember then when we hung up. My parents were in the rooms next to mine and I went up to them and I was like, she suggested this.

I explained it to them and they were just like, so amazed. they asked me like, how does it feel for you? I was like, it feels amazing. And they were just so happy because they were like, wow, like the progress that you have made in just one call. It's crazy, you know, from not knowing to getting clarity.

Like that's, excuse me, that's amazing. Like you have just such a gift, Christa, for that. It's amazing. And I mean it. Um, yeah, my parents were also really happy. I'm really impressed. Um, and yeah, and that's how basically everything started. 

Christa: Wow. Okay. Thanks so much for, I don't know if I ever really asked you about like your experience on that.

Obviously I was on the call with you, but, um, yeah, it's really cool to hear [00:11:00] you recap it. And I just, I hope to summarize this for someone listening. Um, I really hope that you hear what a lot said and, you know, if you. Are in a situation like she was where you didn't know what it was that you wanted to do, You knew you wanted to be an entrepreneur, so you knew that.

Yeah. But you were like, I don't know what skills I have. I don't know what's transferable. I'm not really sure what even my options are. How can I make money out of these? Yeah, exactly. And also, like you said, there were some fears and limiting beliefs that were kind of maybe in your way from exploring certain things too.

Yeah. Um, but because you did the assignment correctly, like you really put a lot of heart and soul into it. You were super open minded on the call. And, um, yeah, just really. I remember you being very open about, uh, just sharing with me any responses to questions that I asked, we were able to actually land on something that it was like, boom, like, oh my gosh, this makes so much sense.

And your parents were like, wow, this makes so much sense. Um, so just love [00:12:00] hearing that. And if you are listening to this and you are in that same situation where you don't know what it is that you want to do. It's literally my specialty. I don't know how else to say it. It's her gift. Yes. You know, it is.

I'm just going to own it. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. so you didn't know what content repurposing was. So how did you go from not knowing what it was to now doing it? Getting paid for it. Yeah from anywhere. 

Olatz: Yeah, let's let's start with Just doing the basic like really just market research like start Getting anything that I could get my hands into about like what is going to repurpose in unlike social media related So I started with courses from Coursera actually think we actually went through the courses together I remember you sending me different links So I bought those courses and I started with that.

That was my beginning. then I did a lot of like, I started looking for a lot of podcasts. Um, I started looking for any there's so the thing with the internet is that you can find so much [00:13:00] information for free, by the way, like don't get scared. Even if you don't have a lot of money, um, you just can find a lot of resources on the internet, right?

So that's how I started. I just tried to like research and just looked for any resources that I could find. And also this is kind of a loophole, right? Like kind of a, like a circle or yeah, it's just, whenever you start finding pieces of information, you end up finding more and more and more and you end up Um, then after doing that, I started kind of testing and just observing.

I think that for anyone that's considering to start on social media, the first key is for you to observe what do you consume. 

Christa: Meaning 

Olatz: that why did I watch this video till the end? Why did I scroll this video and I didn't even watch the first two seconds? start observing kind of your patterns as a consumer, because.

You, everyone is on social media, everyone is consuming. If it could be just Instagram or could be Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, YouTube, whatever, just observe what made you click on a [00:14:00] video if you're on YouTube. And start observing your patterns, uh, like your behaviors towards that content. So you are going to start noticing also kind of, subconsciously what does your brain think that it's a good video?

And what does your brain think that it's not? Because that, that's what happens in those three seconds. Your brain has seen a little bit of the video and has. Like basically put it in a box or like in either of two boxes, either it's good or it's not. Right. 

Christa: Okay. I love that. so basically you, you were saying that the first thing that you had to do to start learning was to witness your behavior.

Yeah. But is that a tip that you got from a course or something? Or were you intuitively like, Oh, I know that I need to do this. 

Olatz: I did. So it was both. I was aware that it had to be, um, I had to be aware of my consumption, but I didn't know exactly where to look and then I did like this was like maybe so maybe later on my journey as a content repurposer that I purchased this course.

[00:15:00] It's from a Spanish guy. He's just, he's amazing from, for any Spanish speaker, by the way, Guille Collado, he's amazing. He worked on TikTok. So he knows a lot. and yeah, I was following his content and I bought this course. This was like, this was another investment that I did. And I also learned so much.

So he started, I started also being aware of What was the things that I had to, I had to start paying more attention to. So I knew what was good or bad in a video, but this gave me like a way deeper level of understanding. So all my knowledge, plus this knowledge, plus then all the tests that I did on social media, that gave me just so much insight of like what is good for a video.

And like, you know, I kind of started also, whenever I started listening, all these real, like paying attention to all these reels, I also started seeing who is like just talking basically BS and who really knows what they are talking about. Because also there's a lot of people on the internet talking about so much BS that it gets, it gets too [00:16:00] much.

Right. So I started also noticing, I was like, okay, this doesn't make sense. That's not how the algorithm, social media or whatever you want to call it works. Right. And so, yeah, so it was another course that I got that gave me kind of the places where to look. I was aware that I needed to look, but I, he gave me like a deeper level.

Nice. So yeah. 

Christa: Cool. Okay. So basically you got the idea of being a content repurposer. You got some online courses, which I just want to clarify for anyone in the audience. Um, okay. So the way that I work with people is I don't suggest Everybody do content repurposing. I have you do the career assessment so I can really tune into your personality and offer something specific to you.

I teach everyone how to build the same business model, the small service provider model, but you can apply any subject matter to it. So it is the client's responsibility to go learn about their subject matter and yours was content repurposing. But it's like, [00:17:00] Really, really affordable to learn, or like you said, even free, um, to learn that skill, to learn that subject matter.

And then, you know, I teach you how to build the business around it. So, um, so yeah, basically in those early days, it was your job to just go all in on learning your skill. And how long would you say you spent just focused on the skill learning? 

Olatz: Um, I don't really remember, honestly. I feel like, also, it's a never ending job.

Like, you have to constantly keep learning. But for the basics, like, basics kind of the, um, Maybe two months, a month, like, because it's not that our calls ended there, you know, like we still had a lot of homeworks and stuff to work through. But on top of that, of course, I still kept developing my skills.

It's so depending on also how much time you have free. But I could say maybe two months.


Christa: Actually, I want to talk about that because, uh, because you were a busy, busy bee back when we first started. [00:18:00] You were really, really busy. And I remember being like, Wait a minute, Howard, you're, you're wanting to build a business now. I always tell people like, you really don't need that much time to participate in like the program, but of course, the more time and energy you can put into it, the better, but you, you made it work with your crazy schedule.

So can you just paint the picture of what your life was like in those early days of building your business? 

Olatz: Yes. So as I said, I finished my degree in business and as soon as I finished my degree, I was like Australia, living in Australia was my dream, right? So I was like, I'm moving to Australia and that's when we started working.

So I was literally freshly moved to Australia. I was moving to Australia when we started working. You got your working holiday visa there? No, I went on a student visa. So I went to study marketing and communication actually, it was like a, like a certificate. It was not a degree or a master's. It was just like a certificate, so it was like a 10 [00:19:00] month course or something like that, yeah.

So, I went on a student visa, so for starters I was studying. It wasn't a crazy load, but it was still like, uh, one class a week plus the homework and the team group assignments that we had to do. So I was doing that. Then, of course, my business was starting. I was starting, I was building the offers, so still I needed an income to live in Australia.

I just finished my degree, right? So I, I went to Australia, I was like looking for jobs and I started working as a waitress. There was a point in my life that I had up to four. Jobs. They were not like, just like two, that they were consistent every week. And the other two were kind of events every now and then, but still like a lot of time and energy and, and yeah.

Then I got a little bit more stable and I just had this one job. Um, but still, like of course, you know, I had to take breaks. I had to like, enjoy my time alone without doing anything else. Yes, but, but recovering. Um, I went to the gym. And, and yeah, I had a lot and I was building my [00:20:00] business on top of that.

Um, so that was everything that I was doing when I started, um, working with you and working on my business. Yeah. 

Christa: Yeah. I remember being like, wait, you have how many jobs and you're studying and, uh, you're new to Australia and obviously you want to have fun and enjoy your life there. Yep. Yep. And you were building a business.

So, um, what would you say to someone who says, I don't know if I should join the digital nomad life Academy. I don't know if I should start building my business now. I'm like really busy. What would you say? Just 

Olatz: Like, do you really want it or not? It, that's it. 

Christa: Whoa. Mic drop. Oh my gosh. Actually. So true. I was going to say like, what's your excuse, but I prefer what you said.

Um, which is really like, Hey, is this, is this actually your dream? Or are you just going to pretend that it's your dream? Because if you actually wanted to make it happen, like you did, Ola, it's. You just, [00:21:00] you just make it happen. 

Olatz: Yeah. You know, there's this quote, I don't know who is it from, but it's like, there's always a million excuses, excuses not to do something.

So you can either take the excuses or take the, like, take action you choose. And it's going to be only your choice. So basically like I did it with all these on my plate. Um, so yeah, you can also do it. It's all about like just wanting it so badly that you're putting the energy that you have left. It's going to be maybe a tougher year.

Yeah. Yeah, but then it's going to be totally worth it for you. So just think about like the cost benefit that you're getting out of it. For sure. One 

Christa: thing that one of my coaches always said was you can either have your reasons or results. You can't have both. Yeah. Well, yeah. Yeah. Okay. So you were basically working your butt off, um, around the clock for a period of time.

Yeah. But even then. Despite the fact that you were so busy. Um, and you know, when you and I got on the calls, we, we, we were mostly [00:22:00] talking about, about business, like how to build the business around the skill. So despite all that, you still learned enough skills to basically like feel confident starting to offer this within a couple of months.

So I also just really wanted to zoom in on that for anybody listening as well. That is it. In that situation where you feel like you don't have any skills or you don't know what business you want to do. So much can change in just a couple of months if you go all in. So I'm not going to sit here and tell you you're going to make 10 K in two months because I have no idea how hard you're going to work.

I have no idea how you're going to prioritize your, your business and, and your lifestyle and everything. But, um, the, the point is that. You can make drastic changes if you're really committed at the beginning. Okay. So, um, so you learned your skill and, uh, yeah, I think I would love to talk about What you did [00:23:00] to get your first sale, your first, your 

Olatz: first paying client.

Yeah. So she, by the way, was like my dream client. when we worked together, also we designed this ICA, this ideal person that you kind of close your eyes and you see, right? 

Christa: Yeah. 

Olatz: So I, ICA is ideal 

Christa: client avatar. So an exercise that I do with my. With my coaching clients early on is I would say, okay, who, who would you love to work with?

If you could choose any one person in the whole wide world, they can be real or imaginary. What would this person be like? And so you basically designed, yeah, this is my ideal client avatar. And then that's who it was that you first started working with. Yeah. Yeah, 

Olatz: it's crazy. And so, uh, when I came back from Australia, I was like, okay, now I have time, way more time, much more energy.

Right. So now it's just my time to focus all my energy on my business before like moving to Bali. Um, so that's what I did. I kept building, uh, my Instagram presence, TikTok and LinkedIn. And I just [00:24:00] started connecting with people that looked like, um, People that I would like to work with right and just kept connecting with people and I connected with her and She landed on my LinkedIn page.

So she loved my content and she actually booked a call with me So that's just we have the call and I just you know, I'm really passionate about my work. So Obviously, she saw this passion and she was ready to work with me. Um, and yeah, so we did the business school and that's how I landed her. But it was like a lot of work behind it of just like getting the content ready on social media, showing like my knowledge and sharing my knowledge because social media is also about sharing.

And yeah, when, when we connected, she saw my content and that's how she That's how we started working. Yeah. How do you 

Christa: think that she was able to see your passion before you even started working together? 

Olatz: Um, I think it was just that she saw what I was doing and seen, so just the value [00:25:00] of content repurposing so much that she, Like so what it was, so what I did, and she was like, Oh my God, this is what I need.

Um, it aligned with her, the, value on the service that I was providing. So that's what made her probably book the call. And then, um, just talking to me. probably see so that I was so passionate about it and just I'm so, I get so excited when I work with people about their, their work because I really care.

That's why this, like this niche is my niche because I really care and I'm really passionate about it. So when, whenever we were like doing the call, I was just like asking her so many questions, listening her answer, like even talking through different ideas and she liked the way that I was being so passionate about it and.

decided that she wanted to keep on working with me. and yeah, but it had a lot of work behind it of like finding people, creating content and just like staying consistent and then the right person. 

Christa: Nice. Amazing. Um, so you [00:26:00] said she saw what you were doing and I want to hone in on this because I think a lot of people out there listening, or maybe you're one of my clients, uh, you're saying, yeah, but that first client, like if I don't have anything to show them, so.

What were you showing 

Olatz: that she saw? basically all the knowledge that you just learned, like it doesn't have to be results from your clients, but, um, Krista has said this in a lot of her podcasts too, like sometimes people, like most of the time, nobody's going to ask you for your previous qualification of like, what's like the degree or what's like, they just want to.

Basically what you know, what, what you do, what's like, uh, in my case, I was sharing content repurposing tips, so that's what I was doing. Literally all my content was content repurposing tips and what was content repurposing constantly. So how can you repurpose a reel? How can you repurpose your capture, your YouTube video, your podcast, literally your blog [00:27:00] post?

Um, anything and everything that can be repurposed, I was creating content around it. And that was literally everything. it. no, I didn't have any testimonials anywhere, I just showed what I knew and that I was a real person and that's all she saw.


Christa: Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. That's such an important lesson because, yeah, I, I think so many people feel so scared to get started for this reason, the, the jump from having no clients to having your first client just feels so big, but you, you just have to, you just gotta be brave and you just gotta keep putting yourself out there and just doing the work and showing up and then you attracted your dream client.

Yeah. Yeah. So, um, maybe there's someone out there listening that has their own business and they have some content, but they want to do more with it. So what are some of your tips on how you can repurpose content? 

Olatz: and also why should you do it?

Um, Okay. Yeah. so [00:28:00] first I'm going to start with, um, content creation should feel fun for you. Content creation what? Should feel fun for you. Oh, should feel fun. Okay. Yeah. I feel like you are going to see so many people telling you how many posts, reels, whatever you need to post a day, a week, or a month.

Um, it's not going to be, um, If it's not sustainable for you, it's going to burn you out. So first, you need to see what kind of content you like creating. Of course, you need to do a lot of shadow work here because showing up on social media is scary. So aside from feeling like that scary feeling of showing up, I think what content you like to create.

So if you are, a yapper like me, maybe you prefer to create more audio content, or you love recording yourself, just talking and explaining stuff in like long form videos, or you are, for you, it's so easy to just like take out the phone, record a short video and just like write a short caption and go for it, like, or just write long LinkedIn posts or long emails, start thinking what's the content that you like to create.

And [00:29:00] then. Once you know that, what is it, do a long form of that content. So if it's an audio, then look, do a long video. If it's a video, sorry, do a long video. If it's an audio, do a long audio. If it's a text, write a long text. And then just kind of strip it down. Is that the way it's said? And start making shorter pieces.

So once you have that long piece of content, think about what's the value, what's like the main value that you are sharing and find different forms of sharing that value in shorter kind of, um, yeah, packages. So you can do like carousels, like you can do a small, a shorter reel or a B roll. Uh, you can do just a small, like a pin for Pinterest or just a quote for Instagram.

So take. See what you like creating or what you like recording or the content that you just like to put out there. It can also be, by the way, if you like having one on one conversations with people over [00:30:00] Zoom, recording that and then taking the content out of it. there's not one, size fits all.

Whatever feels comfortable for you. If you do a lot of workshops, maybe someone can record the workshop for you and you can take the content out of that workshop. Like there's so many ways. Think what's fun and comfortable to record for you doing the shadow work and then make small pieces of content out of it.

Christa: So with this episode, this episode, we have a video recording that someday it'll go on YouTube. Uh, and we obviously have the audio. Yeah. Well, what are like a few things that you might create from this episode? 

Olatz: Okay, let's do it. So for example, for the long YouTube video, so easily without even just, just even forgetting about all the snippets that we can do about this podcast.

So even not thinking about that, we can look for literally the value that what is content repurposing. That was the beginning of the podcast, right? That could be a reel, that could be a post, that could be a link getting post. What is the [00:31:00] career assessment called? That's already more piece of content that we, like we can do.

We can create maybe just, um, you taking the, the audio of you talking about it and then we can, Put different videos of people on the DNLA, just like working on their computer, showing kind of the results of the career assessment. Uh, the audio, obviously it's already a podcast, right? So we take the audio and we can do that.

Um, all the written, all the value that we have talked about. So for example, let's say when we talked about my journey, when I started, My repurposer, right? That could be a LinkedIn post. And we can, like, the call to action of the LinkedIn post is always like, if you want to know more about Olat's story, go to listen my podcast.

Like, of course, then we have to think the appropriate call to action to each piece of content. So, for example, for the career assessment call, the call to action would probably join the DNLA. For the snippets of the, the We are not even talking about the snippets. So, for example, what is content repurposing?

The call to action will [00:32:00] be, Oh, check out Olad's profile so you can see if you want to work with her, right? So even from, The same long piece of content, the call to action that we can get out is also different depending on the outcome that we want. 

Christa: Wow. Oh my gosh. Okay. Sorry. 

Olatz: I guess really passionate.


Christa: actually so good. I was just impressed. You just literally rattled that off. Like that audio was not cut. By the way, like she actually just immediately answered that question, um, to such depth. So I'm so impressed if anybody is out there and you, or you know, someone who has a business that has some long form piece of content, a YouTube channel or a podcast, um, please.

Message Ola, it's like, Oh my gosh, he just has so 

Olatz: much magic to work. I have so much value to give guys. I'm just excited for everyone to keep growing their social media and their business. And yeah, you can come and find me on Instagram repurpose for revenue. It's four. It's the number four, [00:33:00] same name on.

And yeah, I'm really passionate about it as you can clearly see, I just have so much to share and because it's so like content creation should feel easy and fun and not like something that you are dreading and that it feels like, Oh, I don't want to create content, you know, totally. I've definitely been there.

Christa: Yeah. As a, as a content creator, I've had ups and downs and, um, the consistency isn't always there because it's so easy to get burnt out with, um, with content. creation. So yeah, I'm so proud of you. This is amazing. Um, like if you could rewind the clock back to before we started working together, um, maybe even before you were aware of the DNLA, digital nomad life academy, by the way, if anybody didn't know what that stood for, um, but just like, can, can you imagine, could you imagine this moment?

Olatz: Not in my like best dreams. Like, excuse me, I'm living in Bali. I'm like working on my business, meeting amazing people. Um, of [00:34:00] course has a lot of like work, like on it, you know, like that, like this dream scenario had a lot of work and still has a lot of work. So it's not like we are here. Yeah, we're living there.

No, no, we worked for it and we are still working every day. Um, Yeah, not in my wildest dreams. So, so yeah, and I just wanted to say also one last thing, by the way, um, entrepreneurship has a lot of work and a lot of shadows you need to work through. It's probably, and probably you are feeling the shadows already.

Oh, like, it's scary. Am I, like, showing up? Like, what are the people going to think? Um, just, like, think about this dream scenario and just, Always push through, even when it's scary, just like, don't think about it, keep showing up because it's a lot of work and it's a roller coaster, still is a roller coaster, and I'm sure for you it is too.

It's worth it. It's worth it for me, it's worth it every day. 

Christa: It's always a roller coaster, and that is something So yeah, actually, I feel like I don't really talk about this a lot in the podcast, but one big thing that I [00:35:00] teach, it's not just business, but it's also entrepreneurship, which is not really the same thing because business, like you can study business in, in college, right?

Which is actually what you did. And when you study business, you learn about like, Profit loss analysis and like, yeah, all the things like you learn about that stuff that yes, you need to know. And of course I do teach that stuff, but entrepreneurship is such a different ball game because as you said, it's, it's shadow it's, and if anybody doesn't know what a shadow is, it's a part of you that you don't want to acknowledge basically.

So in as a relevant situation for this, Episode a shadow could be, um, scared of putting yourself out there mm-hmm . Because you're worried what someone might think. And that is a shadow usually. And it's a shadow because we don't always look at it just like a shadow is behind you. You can't really, like, I guess you could turn around and see your shadow, but for the most part it's just following you.

It's this [00:36:00] like subtle thing, but it's always there. You actually can't get rid of it unless, unless you shine light on it and you need to shine light on your shadows. If you want to overcome them, then that's what the shadow work is. It's saying, Oh wow, I feel. Scared of social media. And instead of letting that be your excuse, instead of letting that be your reason saying, okay, well, let's look at why am I scared of social media?

Who am I worried about judging me? Okay. Do I actually think that they might think this? What would happen if they do judge me? How would I feel if they judge me? Okay. If I feel that way and like really going on that tangent. So, um, anyway, that's my little, little nugget about shadow work, but a lot. So, um, you know, you mentioned that entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster and that there are shadows that, that need to be overcome.

Could you share with us maybe A shadow that you had in your journey and what did you do to get over it? 

Olatz: Yeah Um, and [00:37:00] also by the way, everyone feels the same way you do So just think that everyone is going through the same process as you are um I could talk about Two shadows, probably the main ones.

Uh, the first one was just like the fear of being judged for following just a different path and like the fear of, of even saying what I'm doing, And like, I'm a business owner now and I'm pursuing entrepreneurship and I'm a content repurposer. That was a fear for me, kind of telling to people this, which should be something that you should be really proud about, by the way.

Um, my way of, because I felt that I had to portray this kind of, I have everything figured out kind of figure. And so my way of dealing with this shadow first was like going and thinking, okay, what's the worst scenario that could happen? Realized that the worst scenario wasn't even that bad, like I didn't even, like people that really judged me probably they were not gonna be, like my friends would never judge me, and my parents were actually really supportive, so I was just like literally [00:38:00] making false assumptions.

So when I like ask myself a lot of questions to get deeper on like, why am I scared? Like, is it because maybe, it's so scary for me to just like show to the world that I'm choosing a different path. So just like getting really deep on the why. And then whenever I started showing up and telling people what I was doing, just accept that there's also a vulnerability part.

Like you don't have to portray being someone that has everything figured out. You are figuring it out along the way and that's okay. Okay. Like, yeah, I'm a business owner and I'm still figuring a lot of things out and that's okay. And the other fear was obviously showing up on social media. Like everyone, I feel like you are not alone here.

Everyone has a lot of, 

Christa: everyone does have that. Yeah, they really, really do. Um, I have an episode that I forget what number it was. It might be like 76 or something. Um, but it's all about social media and do you actually need it to be a successful digital nomad? And in short, the answer is no, you don't need it.

But it really, really, [00:39:00] really helps. And then in that episode, I also go into what are the common shadows and fears that come up for people with social media. And, um, you know, I actually just want to share one right now because I feel like to me, this, when I was just like, this is mind blowing. So there's different categories of people that we are scared of showing up for. So one could be people that we know. Okay. So, and people that know us, and sometimes those people are supportive. Even then we might be a little bit worried about what they think because if they support us, but then we do something and then they might not support us anymore because of something that we did.

Now we're scared of love being removed from us basically. So that's one thing that we can be scared of. Um, another thing is what will strangers do? So people who like we, they don't really know us. but if we put something out there, then, you know, all these strangers are going to judge us. And we can't really [00:40:00] predict how that will feel because we don't know.

It's just this like big mystery. But there's this other category of people that. I think we don't even acknowledge that we are scared of showing up for, and it's a secret because it's actually ourselves. So, and something to remember is like, okay, we might be able to predict What the people that know us, we might be able to predict what they think.

Like maybe your, your mom is so predictable. Like you, you know, that she's going to judge you like this. And so you already know what you're getting yourself into, you know, the threat, and that could be a reason why you don't want to show up. Um, but with strangers, we don't know what they're going to think.

So what we're actually doing when we say, Oh, I'm worried what strangers will think. Well, where is that idea coming from? Um, actually it's coming from us. So when we are scared of what strangers [00:41:00] think, it's actually our own shit of like, we think this about ourselves and we don't want to put it out there for that reason.

So anyway, that, I just, I was like, Oh yeah, when you're worried about what strangers think, you're just judging yourself. Yeah. so. Do you have any tips for somebody out there, Ola, that might be worried about what strangers think? 

Olatz: Um, yeah. First, just what you just said is so true.

Like it's just kind of us. Like that fear is on your mind. You can never play what is gonna happen. So stop using that as an excuse not to show up. Like content. Uh, showing up on social media is gonna feel cringy to you. That's, that's how it's going to start. You're going to feel cringe. It's fine. You're going to get over that cringe once you start doing more content.

So just start baby steps, but do take a baby step every day. If recording something today and not posting it feels good to you, then do it. Just record. Just put yourself in the camera, have the [00:42:00] script ready, record. Next day, go over it. Look at your video, see what you like, what you didn't like. Record it again, feel more and more comfortable.

And then edit it. And just like, wait a little bit. Wait one day, watch it again, and then just one day post it. You can even, uh, if it's a reel, you can program it to be posted, uh, whenever you are not awake. So you are not even pulling, like, thinking about it. What a good idea. Yeah, it is, it is an amazing idea.

Smart, I love that. You're not thinking about it, and just, uh. Except until you wake up with anxiety. But you have, you have done the first step. That you that is posting and you'll see that probably all the fears that you had in your mind were didn't happen. And also you just took this first step of showing up and understand that everyone is feeling the same thing as you do when they are starting.

It's a fear that we all have. Even your favorite content creator, creator started like that. So just go make it baby steps, but never. Never just let [00:43:00] it stay on your mind. Like always take it to action. Even, even if it's the baby step today is just write it down, write it down, then record it. Of course, identify when you are procrastinating.

Okay. But just take baby steps and be nice to yourself. Like you are doing this for you, for your dream. So the only opinion really matters is yours. And you got this, you got this. Like it will feel easier as the time goes by. Like when we started talking in the beginning of this podcast, like now I'm, I'm so comfortable and I could, I feel like I could do this all day long.

A year or two years ago, I couldn't. So you can to just be nice to yourself and take baby steps and just, you will learn and it will feel easier as the time goes by. Just, That's such good 

Christa: advice. And I really love what you said about acknowledging where you are right now and, and seeing how far you've come.

And, um, whoever you are listening to this, I want you to consider that for [00:44:00] yourself as well. Like what's something that you do comfortably now that you wouldn't have been comfortable doing a year ago, five years ago, 10 years ago? Transformation can take a lot of time, but one thing that I love about entrepreneurship is it just forces you, it forces you to transform.

It forces you to do things outside of your comfort zone. It forces you to just grow into the next version of yourself. And as a result, like when people do that, step onto the entrepreneurship journey, they become completely different people, like sometimes in a year. And, um, that's for me my favorite thing about what I do.

Like, it's not just enabling people to book a one way plane ticket or, you know, move to Bali or whatever their dream is. Like, I love that. But what I really love is seeing the inner transformation that people make because that is what is That's what entrepreneurship invites you to do. So here you are as such a amazing example [00:45:00] of that, just shining in the, in the lights of our studio and talking so comfortably on camera and having your whole business to prove it.

And it's just amazing. Oh, that's, I love your story. Yeah. the episode, With a guest before this was with Marie and it was our second episode. Like we had done one a year ago and, um, yeah, it's just cool to like, see the transformation. So I'm excited for our next episode, whenever that might be.

And, uh, yeah, just to see what more. Transcript because the transformations keep coming. Oh yeah. Like I just celebrated my five year business anniversary and. Oh my gosh. If you had asked me five years ago, if I would be doing, I'd be like, I have a podcast. Wait, there's a hundred thousand people listening to it.

Wait, I've worked with how many clients? Wait, I've made how much money? Like I would be, I would, I would not. I'm like flabbergasted right now, [00:46:00] even, even considering who I was before. So yeah, it really is just amazing. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah. Anyway, we are out of time with this, um, studio, but before we go, uh, let's, do you have any words for people listening?

Like maybe if they want to get in touch with you or, um, If there's anything you want to offer to them. 

Olatz: Um, for any coach or holistic professional that creates content to attract their clients, if you think that content repurposing, maybe this might be the solution for you to just stop feeling burned out.

You can just contact me on Instagram, @repurposeforrevenue. So then the four, it's a number four, and we can just talk about different options. I have different offers and depending on what your needs are. We can start working together or maybe I can show you the way if maybe like us working together isn't going to be a good fit.

And yeah, and I'll always try to give you as much value as I can. And I'm really excited to work with anyone that just heard [00:47:00] my passion and was like, yeah, I want to work with her because I'm really passionate about my work and about the people that I work with. Love it. Yeah. So anybody listening, 

Christa: I. Just, just contact this one.

She's gonna, if anything, it's like a strategy call, right? So definitely hit her up and, um, hit me up. If you are curious about how I can help you create a career, just like, Oh, let's has a career, a business, a new lifestyle, a new uplevel mindset, personality, just like everything, everything, everything can change.

Um, as long as. What she said earlier, as long as you commit, as long as you prioritize it. So if you're someone out here, who's been inspired by a lots of story, having gone from, you know, just freshly graduated to now living in her dream Island with her dream business, working with dream clients, Then you can have this lifestyle too.

You just need to [00:48:00] commit and you need to reach out. Like, I don't know who you are. I don't know your name. I don't know what you look like. I don't know where you live. I don't know anything about you. I only know if you actually send me a DM. So, send me a DM With the keyword repurpose podcast. And, um, if you send me that keyword repurpose podcast at KristaBella travels on Instagram, you will get an automated message from me that says, Hey, thanks so much for listening to the podcast. Tell me a little bit about yourself and I'll ask you a few questions.

Answer the questions thoroughly, do the right thing, right? Tell me about yourself and then I can respond. Cause I don't know you you're a stranger to me. Right. But if you share a little bit about what you've been doing to make money, where you're at, what your dreams are, then I can respond appropriately and then I can say, Hey, I think I can help you.

Or I might send you in a different direction, but either way, give me a little bit to work with. So send me the keyword repurpose. Podcast to @christabellatravels  now, [00:49:00] and, uh, let's get the ball rolling on your digital nomad life and career. Thank you so much for being here, Olads. 

Olatz: It 

Christa: was 

Olatz: so nice having you.

So excited. I was so excited to do it. Yeah. Thank you so much. I think this is such a valuable episode, so 

Christa: I hope thanks everyone for listening and we'll see you in the next episode. Bye. Bye.