Digital Nomad Life Podcast

82) The Secret to Online Marketing and Creating a Thriving Digital Nomad Business


Guess what your not bad at marketing, you just might not understand the science and strategy behind it.there are so many people who are digital nomads or they want to become digital nomads and it's just not really working and it's because this whole marketing beast that they can't get a grip on. Online marketing becomes this looming thing that people feel so scared of and so intimidated of and so intrigued by or just mystified by it stops them from changing their lives. In today's episode I want to show you that marketing isn't an art but really a science with strategies you can learn and it's isn't just trending audio. Marketing has changed my life and is the reason I am able to live in bali with my dream house and have 7 figure business and imagine how much understanding the science of marketing can change your life also.. 

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Christa: [00:00:00] Hey there, and welcome to the digital nomad life podcast. I'm your host Krista, also known as  @christabellatravels  on social media. And today we are going to be talking all about marketing. And if you are a listener of this podcast, then you might hopefully be able to expect that I'm not going to be telling you this is exactly how to market your business.

But I want to be infusing with you some energy and motivation to become the best marketing freaking marketer there is in your field. There are so many people who are digital nomads or they want to become digital nomads and it's just not really working and it's because this whole marketing beast, this marketing monster, this looming thing that people feel so scared of and so intimidated of and so intrigued by or just mystified by it stops them from changing their lives.

So today what we're not going to do is go into a all of the different marketing strategies in detail. [00:01:00] Instead, my philosophy as a coach, as a business coach, and as a digital nomad coach is to help you understand the essence of why you need to do these different activities, why it's important so that you can find the motivation from within to go learn it yourself.

I do teach a lot of things inside of my business, the digital nomad life academy, which by the way, if you don't know what that is, I'll just explain it really quick so that you actually have this in context. So basically what the digital nomad life academy is, it's a year long program where when you come inside, you get access to the Five C's, which is career clarity.

So I help you figure out what's the best remote career for you. Even if you have no idea where to start, even if you've no experience, career clarity, I got you covered. I will help you. listened to episode 33, if you want to know how I do that. Um, so you got access to five C's. First see career clarity, then community.

The community is probably the strongest and most exciting part about the whole thing. There's a hundred plus other people [00:02:00] inside of the DNLA that are all aspiring entrepreneurs, freedom, loving freedom, focused people. Um, everybody's just so fun, such a vibe. So you get access to the community where we have multiple Coaching, that's a third C.

Coaching calls per week where anytime you have a question about building your business, about, um, an identity shift that you're needing to make with becoming a digital nomad, I got you there with the third C of coaching.

The fourth C is character development. So I really, really, really wholeheartedly believe that entrepreneurship is such a vehicle for personal growth. So character development is infused into every single aspect of the education inside of the Digital Nomad Life Academy. And that fifth C, that educational component is coursework or curriculum, where I actually teach you step by step by step how to build a business.

from the absolute ground up. And it's not just how to build your business. It's also how to market your business. So if you want to learn [00:03:00] how to market your business, well, you're never going to learn that from a single podcast episode. You're probably never going to learn that from an entire podcast series.

You actually really need to do the work of investing in yourself, investing time, energy, and money into having someone teach you a specific marketing method that's right for you and your business. So I think this episode, I, I want to break down kind of like what is marketing, and why it doesn't have to be as big or complicated as you're probably making it.

Hopefully this episode will help lessen the overwhelm of the concept of marketing. Cause so many people, right? They're like, I would love to be an entrepreneur, but I don't know anything about marketing or I'm bad at marketing. No, you're not. You're not bad at marketing. You just are probably missing some key philosophies behind it because you might have tried to listen to a podcast episode and someone told you, you should be social media marketing.

And then you're like, okay, I'm going to social media [00:04:00] market. And then you try to do what they say in the podcast episode. And then because you don't understand the philosophy of it, you're obviously not doing it well. So, oh my gosh, I get so heated. Just literally. talking to myself. Um, but I know that you're listening.

I know that you're intrigued. I know that you want to make a lot of money and I know that you want to have the freedom focused life that you've been desiring. So I really hope that this episode helps you. Okay, let's start off by talking about what is is marketing and why is it not such a big freaking deal?

Like why do we not have to be so scared of it? Okay. So I think when people think about marketing, the image that probably conjures up in your mind is like

some form of advertisement. Like maybe there's billboards in the picture.

Or maybe there's like really specific strategies or psychology or there's tactics. Like there's all of [00:05:00] these like things that you need to do. And if someone is a good marketer, you're like, wow, that person is so strategic. So, um, that can all be true, but it doesn't have to be true. Essentially what marketing is is just informing the world about what it is that you're offering.

So, in the step by step business building format that I take everybody through inside of the Digital Nomad Life Academy, or I'm going to call it the DNLA from now on. The step by step process that I take people through in the DNLA is this. You decide who it is that you want to offer your services to.

You do a little bit of research and make sure that you ask them, do they want this offer? Then you come up with a well defined offer, and then you tell people about it. AKA you market it. So marketing can be as simple as just being really clear on who it is that you want to offer your services to, and then going to a place where that person tends to be and telling them.

And you [00:06:00] could tell them literally with your mouth. You could tell them with your lips. You could just tell them, Hey, this is what I do. Are you interested? And that literally counts as marketing. It's called word of mouth marketing and word of mouth marketing is tried and true. It is probably the best kind of marketing that there is.

It's the most effective kind of marketing because you need to have trust in something if you're going to purchase it. People are. really not wanting to part with their hard earned money. A lot of people have money mindset scarcity issues, right? So if they're going to spend their money on something, they want to know that they're going to spend it on something that is going to get them their desired results or help them feel a certain way, or be actually truthfully the thing that they want to be.

This says that it is. So the reason why word of mouth marketing is so powerful is because we trust our friends. We trust people that we meet in real life. [00:07:00] And so when we hear about something through the grapevine, like through the rumor, through the game of telephone, then we have an inherent deeper trust in that offer and therefore more likely to buy it.

So surprisingly, actually, not surprisingly, a lot of my clients inside of the DNLA. kickstart their business, literally just through word of mouth marketing. I always tell people, you really don't need to have a big audience in order to be a successful digital nomad. And people are like, no, but, but you have this big audience, so you don't even know the truth.

And I'm like, yeah, but do you know what? I do have an audience. That's because I understand marketing. I have a big audience because I'm good at marketing and I get marketing and I'm very, very studied and experienced in marketing, but you don't need that in order to be making a sustainable income. If you follow the small service provider model, which is what I teach inside of the DNLA, because when you are following that [00:08:00] model and you offer something that is, let's say a few thousand dollars or more, And I teach you how to come up with something like that inside of the DNLA, then you only need a few clients in order to be making an amazing income.

Like you do the math. If you had. If you had an offer that was 3, 000 and you got three new people that month, you would be making 9, 000 that month. That's an amazing salary. No, I think it's a great salary, especially when you're just starting out. And three people, you don't need a whole big marketing machine.

You just actually need Like a conference to go to, or you need a women's circle or a men's circle or whatever. Like you just need to go to the place where the person that you're really wanting to reach is there. So word of mouth marketing is something that you can rely on. And I hope that you're hearing this being like, Oh wow, I didn't know that marketing could be so easy.

I didn't know that it could be that [00:09:00] simple. and that hopefully that will liberate you to feel a little bit less. So I'm going to go ahead and click on that and I'm going to go ahead and click on Has a word of mouth marketing referral system where she actually informs her clients and she says, Hey, if you refer me to somebody, I will give you 10% of whatever the revenue is or whatever the profit is. Um, so she's actually incentivizing people. To do the word of mouth marketing for her. And therefore she doesn't need a website.

She doesn't even need an Instagram. She just needs people putting little bugs into other people's ears and talking about her, telling other people about her offer. Because remember at the end of the day, that's what marketing is. It's telling people about your offer. Now, if you are not wanting [00:10:00] to rely specifically on word of mouth marketing, then you want to be a little bit more strategic about other forms of marketing, which I'm sure you're familiar.

There's social media marketing, which has so many subsidiaries underneath it, such as Instagram marketing, Facebook marketing, Facebook ad marketing, Instagram ad marketing, LinkedIn marketing, Pinterest marketing, Twitter marketing. podcast marketing. This is one too, right? I'm actually marketing my business to you listener, because I'm listening.

telling you about my business. So at this point now, we're like, I don't know, 10 minutes into the episode and you already are aware of my business. Therefore, I have successfully marketed to you my business. Now, do you want to pay me to join my business? I don't know yet, but maybe by the end of this episode, or maybe after you listen to a bunch of podcast episodes, or maybe not.

And that's fine too, because with marketing, we actually don't really have a direct way. [00:11:00] to measure how many sales we are getting from our marketing methods. And this is a really important point that I, I want you to pay attention to because I think we, What I've seen with a lot of my clients, a lot of my friends who have this self proclaimed terrible marketing way about them, it's that they are expecting marketing to be the same as advertising and they're not the same.

Here's the difference between marketing and advertising. Marketing, again, you're informing the masses. Uh, hopefully not the worldwide, but hopefully you're informing a strategic, specific group of people about your business advertising. You are paying to get your message in front of specific people marketing.

You're not necessarily paying for it.

Because marketing could be free. For example, it's almost free for me to have this podcast. I pay for like a couple of softwares, but at the end of the day, if [00:12:00] I make one episode and it ends up getting 10 people to sign up to my program, amazing. I've paid the same amount for those 10 people than I would if I put out a hundred episodes and only one person signed up.

With advertising, we can more clearly track who is purchasing from what we are doing.

So if I put out a Facebook ad and I say, Hey, Facebook followers, click this link and sign up for my webinar.

Advertising allows you to track who is actually clicking on those links and you will be able to have a more clear indication of how many people actually paid you or purchased from you based on that advertisement. So, back to the thing that I really wanted you to pay attention to, with marketing. It can, this is going to be frustrating.

Okay. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I have to break the bad news for you, but marketing really is a game. It's a game of a B testing. It is [00:13:00] a guessing game. Essentially when I put out a podcast, like I talk about my business, the digital nomad life Academy and every single podcast episode. So if someone is listening to every single one of my Podcast episodes, they might be like, okay, cool.

I'm aware, I'm aware, I'm aware, I'm aware, I'm aware of the DNLA, I understand what the DNLA is. Okay, I get it. I get it. I get it, but then I might have one episode where. I say something that like hits them directly and they're like, Oh my gosh, I'm motivated now. Now I need to do it. I'm, I don't know which episode it is that brings in the most customers.

I just have to trust that the more that I show the hell up and the more that I speak from my heart and the more that I am speaking to the kind of person that I want to work with, the more likely it is that that person will step forward and reveal themselves to me. So If you have been trying, for example, on Instagram, let's say that you've been putting [00:14:00] out a ton of content on Instagram and you're looking at the engagement and you're saying, Oh my gosh, but like only a hundred people saw it, or, Oh, I only got this many shares or not that many people liked it.

You still don't actually know if it's not working because out of those hundred people that saw it, it could be that five of them were relevant customers. And if you have your offer strategized in the right way, remember the example that I gave earlier with the 3, 000 offer, if you have five people saying yes to you, now you've made 15, 000 from a post that maybe only had a hundred people liking it.

So I also, yeah, I really hope that this is giving you a little bit of peace of mind that if you have been grinding trying to put out marketing content and it's just not really working or you think that it's not working, that just keep doing it because you don't actually know what you're doing. who your [00:15:00] marketing message is reaching.

And if you have your offer, it's strategized in the right way. You only need a few and it's still worth it then, even if you have quote low engagement. Now for the philosophy behind social media, you might be like, yeah, but I want to have more followers. Okay. Okay. Okay. I get it. Let's say you have a low ticket offer.

Like maybe you're selling something for a hundred dollars. And you want to make the same 15, 000. Now you need 150 clients or customers. That is just so many. So if that's the case, then you probably do need a big audience for that particular business model, which is why I don't teach that business model.

I want people to actually change their lives. Quickly. I don't want them to have to have a big audience, but you know what? Maybe you're not right to be my client and maybe you are someone that really wants to sell something that is a low cost, like 100 product like that. So, okay. If that's you. [00:16:00] Then we need to get down and understand again, the, the philosophy and the essence of marketing.

So let's say that there's an auditorium, right? And on this auditorium, there's a stage with a little podium and I'm like, Ooh, a podium. Oh my gosh. A place, a platform where I can speak into a microphone and talk about my offer. Talk about my business. So I walk up to that auditorium and I tap the microphone.

I say, is this working? And then I start telling people, Hey guys, I'm a digital nomad coach. And this is what I offer. It's something called the digital nomad life Academy. And I just keep talking and talking and talking and talking and talking. Well, guess what? There's no one in the room. And some people that are poking their heads in the room, they might be like, Oh, who's this person on a podium?

That's talking. Oh, that's interesting. Someone's talking at a podium. But then they hear me just say, [00:17:00] me this, me that. This is what I do. This is how I, this is how I help people. This is my business model. They're going to get bored real quick and they're going to walk out of that auditorium. So the few listeners that I could have possibly had have just walked away and are not paying me any attention.

So with marketing. with good marketing. We need to make sure that when we are on a podium and your podium is your Instagram account, your podium is your stories. Your podium is your posts. Your podium is your reels. It is your tweets. Your podium is your Pinterest platform. Your podium is LinkedIn posts.

It's anywhere that you have the ability to take a message and put it out there to people. So

there will always be some people that want to hear what it [00:18:00] is that you're saying just because they love you, right? That might be like your parents or your siblings or some of your best friends. And that is why. When you are looking at your Instagram engagement, for example. And you say, Oh, wow, this post, like 10 people saw it.

Well, are those 10 people your family and friends? Because if that's the case, they're not your customers. And therefore then that engagement doesn't matter. What matters is that you are speaking into that podium. In a way that the person that you want to sell to is going to have their ears perk up and say, Oh, wow, I'm interested in this.

Let me take a seat. This sounds like it's going to be good. So the essence of marketing is really coming up with something that you can say, something that you can share, Something that you can give that will have that person that you want to be in your auditorium, take a seat in your auditorium and give you their time [00:19:00] and attention to listen to you.

Advertising, by the way,

is essentially you're paying that auditorium to give you lots and lots and lots of podiums and your advertising platform will say, okay, we guarantee we'll send a hundred people through this auditorium. We'll literally reroute their direction so that they have to go through and listen to you speaking on the podium.

But just because they see you listening, speaking on the podium, it doesn't mean that they're going to listen. And it definitely doesn't mean that they're going to buy, which is why if you have ever considered using advertisement for your business and you have not yet found success in marketing, you're wasting your money because you need to make sure that what you're saying on that podium is actually going to be interesting and appealing to your ideal clientele so that they sit down and listen.

If they're not sitting down and listening, when you're saying something for free, they're still not going [00:20:00] to sit down and listen when you're saying something on a paid advertising platform. So how do you get these people to sit down and listen again? You want to give them something you want to offer keyword and marketing, and it is Value.

You want to give value. So the way that I'm giving value right now, I'm on a podium, right? Right now I'm on a podium. It's my podcasting platform and anybody can listen in to the first minute of this episode. And that's kind of them walking through the auditorium. And then after maybe a minute or two, they've heard me speak for however long.

And they decide, yes, I want to keep listening to this person or no, I think I'm going to click out of this podcast and choose something else.

So, the first, the first couple minutes of a long form piece of content like a podcast is really important to, well, you have to do a lot of things, um, but you essentially need to hook your audience.

You need to get them to be like, [00:21:00] Oh, interesting. I want to stay for this. With a reel or a story or something, it's a little bit different because with a short form piece of content, something that's under a minute long. Percentage wise, now you only have a couple of seconds to hook them. And this is where marketing can get a little tricky or where it's like a lot of experimentation.

So let's talk about the hook that was in this episode. Okay. So, Um, I love talking about how I record podcasts because I also want people to know that it's actually so easy to have a podcast. I'm literally sitting on my bedroom floor right now with my iPhone on my bed. And I just have the voice memo app up and that's how I'm recording this episode.

I'm literally just speaking into my iPhone. And then when I'm done with this episode, I'm going to text it to my editor Marie. And then she's going to edit the episode and then going to publish it for me. And that's how I have a podcast. It really doesn't have to be that complicated. But when I'm sitting on this bedroom floor, usually what I do [00:22:00] with an episode is I record the first five minutes, like sometimes like six to 10 times.

And then the rest of the episode, I just riff. The rest of the episode, I just sing. Um, I might have some notes up, but I'm not like so anxious about nailing it every second of the way, because usually if somebody gets past the first five minutes of an episode, they'll probably commit to listening to the rest of it.

So in the first five minutes of the episode, I make sure that I get it right and no shame. Like I said, I record it over and over and over and over again until I feel satisfied with it. Now, as a marketer. Here's what I know that I want to include in the beginning or the hook of my podcast episodes. So I want to say why the episode is going to be valuable.

You should always start with this. In every single piece of content [00:23:00] that you ever make, you need the person that you That is walking through your auditorium to be like, Oh, I can predict what the next minute, what the next 10 minutes, what the next 50 minutes is going to look like. And I think that it will be worth it for me to sit down and listen.

And how are they going to know that it's going to be worth it for them? Well, you got to give them a teaser, kind of like a trailer to a movie. So in this one, I'm going to say, Hey, I see that a lot of people are scared of marketing and I want them to feel like it's not that big of a deal. I want to empower people.

I want to enrich people's lives. I want to enrich people's bank accounts. I don't know if I said it exactly like that at the beginning of this episode, but that's essentially the vibe. Like that's what you heard in the first few minutes of this episode.

And also the title of the episode really matters, right? I'm titling the episode in a way that makes you want to click on it in the first place. So these concepts can be applied [00:24:00] to marketing on any platform, whether it's a Pinterest post or whether it's an Instagram reel, let's say that it's an Instagram reel.

So the, the reel is, say 30 seconds and in this 30 seconds you want to give people three great tips for why they should start wearing overalls. Okay, super random. Um, okay, so the title, you could have a title on the screen that says three tips for why you should wear overalls. Or, you could not have that on the screen.

If I don't have it on the screen, someone has to wait probably like five seconds before they even know what the video is about. Because we're humans and we talk slower than we can read. So,

I mean, there might be a way that you could accomplish this without having text on screen. It could be that you have, um, Like, ten pictures of someone wearing overalls that look really [00:25:00] cute, and then you also have ten pictures of someone wearing other clothes that are, like, clearly ugly. Like, that, within the first second, could articulate the point of why you should wear overalls, but it's a little bit abstract.

Someone could be scrolling through that and just thinking, Oh wow, what an interesting and kind of weird and random like art piece. So if we really want people to receive our tips and by the way, maybe our third tip is that the best overall brand is your overall brand. You really want people to watch the whole video.

So you need to Share with them in the first second or two why it's worth it for them to sit and watch. No one's going to sit and watch you speak on your podium if they're not going to get anything out of it. Humans are not charity cases. Okay? Humans are not people that have money. an abundance of free time.

I mean, weirdly, we do have an [00:26:00] abundance of free time, but there's so many people competing for our attention on social media that we have an abundance of opportunities to be entertained. So if you're not entertaining somebody, or showing them that you're going to provide them value, Right away, they're going to scroll on to the next person and give the next person a chance to do that for them.

So, before I tell you, yeah, make sure that you have text on screen, the point of what I'm saying here is make sure that you are articulating in some way Why someone should sit in your auditorium, why someone should give you their super precious time and attention and hear out what it is that you have to say.

So if you want to get them to commit to you, you need to say, Hey, here's what I'm going to give to you. Do you like it? Here's what I'm going to give you. Here's what you're going to learn. Here's how you're going to be entertained. Here's A little taste of me being a funny [00:27:00] person or saying something emotional.

The hook, by the way, could be an emotion. It could be that you're looking really sad or that you're looking really happy. And people ultimately want to experience emotion. That's a big reason why we use social media. It's to feel something. So if text on screen doesn't do the trick, then

teasing what emotions they're going to feel. Might do the trick instead.

Now you may have heard me mention long form versus short form content. so essentially this podcast is a long form content. I've been talking now for almost a half hour and, uh, you're still here, which is so amazing. Now, if you're here still after half hour, I want, I actually would love for you to do this thought exercise right now.

You can even pause this episode and ask yourself, Why are you still here?

I would imagine if you're still listening to this episode, [00:28:00] you're here because you are continually receiving value from this episode. And the value that you're receiving from the episode is probably consistent with the initial reason you clicked on the episode in the first place. So my title of what I'm calling the episode with what I'm actually delivering are congruent.

And that is what keeps you here. But there was a couple of minutes at the beginning of the episode where you had to make a decision. Maybe if you're like a longterm listener, this might not apply to you. But At the beginning of this episode, you also want to know who it is that you're learning from, because I could be someone who is like three months into my marketing journey.

And I'm just saying, here's what I learned. Which is still valid. Like you, we can still definitely learn things from newbies, but I also did make sure to tell you that I have 17 years of marketing experience. And that probably felt [00:29:00] intriguing to you because you were like, Oh, someone with 17 years of marketing experience.

Probably knows a lot more about marketing than I do, and therefore I see that there's 30 minutes or however much time of content in this episode. I'm probably going to learn a bunch, so I'm going to commit and sit in this auditorium and commit until it's over. And that's probably what happened to you.

If you're still here with a shorter form of content, something that say like three minutes or less, but even one minute or less. There is a lot that you need to do in the first couple seconds of that short form piece of content, which again, could be. teasing the value, but also helping that person understand that you are an authority in your subject matter.

Because there's so many content creators out there, right? And some people are totally full of shit. And you don't want to be one of those people that's totally full of shit. So and you don't, right? I mean, I hope so. I hope that you don't want to be someone that's full of shit. [00:30:00] Why are you listening to this podcast?

If so, I feel like I tend to attract people that really are good people and want to do the right thing and I just, I just love that all my people seem to have the strongest moral compass. So if you are listening to this episode, it's probably that you don't want people to see you as being full of shit.

But the thing is, on short form content, when people, where people are just scrolling, so fast, we just can't tell the difference between an authentic person and this person. sometimes even AI, but an inauthentic person as well. So it's your job as a marketer, as someone who has a message, a gift that you want to share to the world.

It's your job to own the fact that you're worth listening to. So in my case, I stated a really easy piece of credibility that I have 17 years of marketing experience. But if you don't have a ton of experience, you can also. state your credibility [00:31:00] in some other way. You could mention that my clients experience this.

Now people automatically know that you work with clients and that you get paid to give this information. Or I just got back from blank. Maybe it was a retreat or maybe I just finished reading this book, et cetera. So now people immediately see you as someone who has more knowledge than them. So the hook at the beginning is super important, whether it's short form content or long form content and your authority building at the beginning is important, whether it's short form or long form content, it's just short form content is a little bit trickier because you have to communicate all that within like three seconds.

Whereas with longer form content, You probably have more like a few minutes in order to articulate all of that information.

Now this might sound a little bit overwhelming to you at this point. You might come to a point now where you're like, Oh my gosh, that's so many things to remember. It's so many things to learn [00:32:00] and I get it. This might be why people are scared of marketing. I still believe that people are scared of marketing because they don't actually They're, they're just trying to follow rule books and the rule books are not teaching them the essence, the philosophy behind it.

And when you just follow the rules, then it's really easy to mess something up. And you know, it's a, it's a science. It is a science marketing and it's an art. Um, but if you're, if you're just following someone else's art and not understanding the science. Then it's going to fall short and you might have had an experience where you never understood the science and you were just following someone else's art.

Like you saw someone else had this trending audio, someone else had this trending caption or whatever. And so you just blindly follow it, not understanding why it works. And you've been trying and trying and trying and grinding and [00:33:00] grinding and grinding and it's still not working. It's because you don't understand the science.

You need to understand the science behind marketing. If you want to be a good marketer and the good news is that science is something that can be learned. You don't need to be an artist. To be a scientist. Some artists go viral because they are true artists and they don't even understand the science, but their art is a thing that moves people.

Their art is a thing that captures people's attention. Their art is a thing that has people staying and watching it over and over and over again. Their art is something that has people feeling emotion. But you don't need to be an artist, again, to be a good marketer. You just need to understand the science.

So what we've covered already is that you need a good hook and you need some authority building. You also need to be able to articulate the value that you are providing to a very specific kind of person. So to be saying. This is what [00:34:00] you're going to get out of sitting here and listening to me speaking on my podium.

Now, the final thing that I want to say, and I kind of teased this earlier, but this is a key concept in the science of good marketing is That you want the person that is experiencing your marketing messaging to feel some kind of emotion.

Emotion is a currency in marketing and the more that you can help someone feel some sort of emotion, whether that's joy and laughter or It's sadness or frustration or even anger. People will stick around for that. They will wait it out because they just want to feel some kind of activation in their body.

That is the currency and you're giving people that currency.

So every time that you go to put out some kind of content, I want you to check in with yourself and ask, is this going to make [00:35:00] someone feel a certain way? If they feel bored though, they're definitely going to scroll along and people will feel bored. If they don't feel that the information is relevant to them, if they're not really sure what they're getting out of it, et cetera.

So, uh, yeah, just make sure that with everything that you do, you are calling in some kind of emotion and that's why comedy accounts do so well. It's why meme accounts do so well. It's why they're so viral. And it's also why controversial content goes viral as well. It's because people, you know, they might not love the feeling of anger, but their bodies are like, Whoa, an emotion.

Like we need to pay attention. We need to pay attention to this anger. And therefore, They give you their attention, whether they like it or not. So those are just some key principles of marketing. And before I go, um, I actually wanted to talk about the real reason why I'm making this episode in the first [00:36:00] place.

Um, then just a little bit of side story where I currently am in my life right now is I'm on a cruise ship and there's some pretty stormy seas outside. I think the audio of this episode is probably not going to be the best. There's like a lot of bumping and thumping and things falling around and, um, yeah, I'm actually sailing.

through the Pacific Ocean, uh, on a cruise ship that went from Vancouver up to Alaska and over to Japan. Today is day one of a full week at sea and we are just crossing through a storm. So, anyway, that's about the audio here. But why am I on this cruise ship? Well, it's something called the Nomad Cruise.

And the Nomad Cruise is a conference at sea, again on a cruise ship, where digital nomads, all kinds of remote workers come together to share ideas and experiences and connect and network. And it's just always such an inspiring and really fun experience for me. So I've been on six of them. This is my sixth one.

[00:37:00] And, uh, As with any experience, the reason why I keep coming back is because of the people. I just love connecting with like minded individuals. I love being part of a community and I just always, yeah, I'm just always meeting people that I just love and adore because we have such similar personalities, right, and similar interests.

So, something that I've noticed in this community is that there are a lot of people out here that have really big dreams. And they are so inspired by life and by the world. And they actually have a lot to offer as well. Like they're talented. Like, there are people that, you know,

just know so much about such niche random things. And I held a talk the other day and it was about creating an offer. And I just was asking some people in the audience about where they're at in their businesses. And I was pretty surprised that not a lot of people seem to be absolutely killing it in their [00:38:00] businesses.

Some people are. Definitely. And they're usually the ones that are on stage teaching something. But a lot of people that were in the audience, I was like, you guys should be making more money than you are. Like, this is crazy. Like you have, you do this and you do that. And you're all offering something so amazing to the world.

Like, like you have a gift and they're like, I know, I know, but I just don't. Don't understand marketing or I'm just not good at marketing. Look, if this is you, if you're someone that I met on the cruise, who feels like your business, you want your business to be doing better, but it's just not, I need you to hear me now that you owe it to the world.

It is literally your duty to get better at marketing because when you have a gift, when you have something, um, To actually offer the world and you don't know how to communicate it effectively in a way that actually gets people to stop and sit in your auditorium, sit [00:39:00] in front of your podium. Your gift is going to waste.

Imagine getting a full plate of delicious food for dinner put in front of you. And then instead of eating it, you just throw it away. Like, that's what you're doing by surrendering to the idea that you're not good at marketing. That's literally what you're doing when you say to yourself, yeah, but I just don't understand or I'm not good at marketing.

And what are you going to do if you aren't good at marketing? You're either going to have an unsustainable income, which is going to make you feel in

You're going to end up going back to the corporate world. You're going to end up going back into the matrix with your tail between your legs and you're going to get a job. I believe that people who are digital nomads are people who have done the work on themselves and they have chosen to show themselves and to show the world that there is [00:40:00] another way, that there is a better way to do life or a more authentic way that we get to live an authentic life.

If you are someone who is a digital nomad, I guarantee it, you have inspired so many people around you and probably you're thinking of people that you know, like this is like a phenomenon that happens and, and listener, if you're not a nomad yet, mark my words, this will happen. We'll see. Once you book that first one way plane ticket and you start traveling around, you will have people coming out of the woodwork, like the woodwork being, saying things to you like, Oh my God, how are you doing this?

Wow. That's so amazing. I wish I could do that. That's so cool. Guaranteed you will have people saying that to you. And if you are someone that does have people saying that to you, I guarantee you there's lots of other people who are thinking it and just not saying it. So, cool. People who are digital nomads, people who do things that are different with their lives, you're [00:41:00] showing the world.

This is like your role in society. It's your role in society. You're showing the world that there's another way, that there's a better way, that there's a more authentic way. to choose your life path. And when you do that, you give other people permission to do that too. This is like what my whole life and business is revolved around, right?

Like I started sharing about my life on social media and I knew about marketing. So I grew an audience pretty quickly. Um, and I just was growing an audience. Cause I just wanted to do it for the challenge. Like I just wanted to see if I could, turns out I could. Um, but then, yeah, I had all these people coming out of the woodwork being like, how did you do this?

Oh my God, I want to do that. And to this day, I still get messages from people that I met earlier on in my In my nomad career, like, from, from literally, like, 10 years ago, that are like, Krista, I remember meeting you in a hostel, and I just want you to know that, like, it took me a while, but you inspired me so much back then, and now I've changed my life, and I'm so happy.

And I have only [00:42:00] been able to touch people in that way because I'm good at marketing. You're only listening to this podcast episode because I'm good at marketing unless you're my mom. And then in that case, Hey mom, I know my mom listens to all my episodes. Shout out to my mom. By the way, did you know that my mom?

is basically one of my clients and she's also building a digital nomad business because I've helped inspire my mom. My mom was someone who would have been sitting in my auditorium listening to my podium anyway because she's just always like, you go girl. And I'm like, thanks mom. But, um, she was listening to me talking about my digital nomad life and how I can help people.

And then she was like, Wait a minute. I want to do this too. And do you know what? My mom went on an Alaska cruise earlier this year and she's just, and she's come to visit me in Bali for two months and we've traveled together in so many different places and literally all of this, like all of this magic [00:43:00] in my life and my mom's life is because I'm good at marketing.

And remember, It's an art, sure, but it's also a science and you can learn the science. It's really not actually that complicated. If you can really start to understand and embody some of these key concepts that I shared with you today, plus a few more, like you, empathy and marketing. You know what? I'll share about that one too, because I think this is really important.

back to the lessons. So, um, empathy in marketing, empathy, well, empathy, right? What is empathy? Empathy is. putting yourself in the shoes of another person and feeling what they feel. So you can do this as a creator, as a marketer by before you click post or before you edit the thing that you just made, Put yourself into the shoes of the person that you want to be receiving the message.

So don't put yourself in the shoes of your dad who's going to [00:44:00] criticize you and make you feel like an idiot. don't have that kind of empathy. Have empathy for the person that really could use what you have to offer. What is it that you have to offer and who can you offer that to? that would make the biggest impact on their life.

So when you put yourself into the shoes of that person, watch your content over before you post it and ask yourself, Oh, what emotion am I feeling? Am I intrigued as someone who doesn't know me yet? This is getting a little abstract, but hopefully you're understanding what I'm saying here. It's because like you got to remember your ideal client, your ideal customer is on Instagram mindlessly scrolling.

Zombie scrolling, doom scrolling. We all do that. I do that, right? I'm someone's ideal client. I'm someone's ideal customer, but if I'm doom scrolling and they don't capture my attention in the first two seconds, I'm gonna continue scrolling [00:45:00] and then I'm never going to learn about the gift that was literally made for me.

Like there's someone out there. That has a coaching program or has, um, you know, some kind of educational thing that I really want to learn about, but how can I ever learn about it if they're not good at marketing, if they don't capture my attention. So I just want to leave you with this, like you as someone who has the desire to be a digital nomad, that means that you have the desire to show the world that authenticity matters and that it's achievable, but you have to go out there and you have to get that authenticity, that authentic life yourself.

And how are you going to get that authentic life yourself? If you have just completely surrendered to the idea that I'm not good at marketing. No, that's not true. You just haven't understood the key principles yet. The scientific method that is underneath. content. that's all that it is, right?

You just need to learn a little bit more. So I [00:46:00] hope that this episode has inspired you to commit to actually learning more about the principles of marketing, not a marketing strategy, because remember that is you just following someone else's art. That's like literally a paint by numbers, which doesn't actually make you a great painter.

It's a fault. It's a facade. Um, Uh, you need to actually learn about the principles of marketing. And, um, if you want to learn about the principles of marketing from me, from moi, then I would love to teach you. As I mentioned at the beginning of this episode, inside of the digital nomad life Academy or the DNLA, coursework is one of the key pillars of the whole program.

And there's a whole, a whole big, I don't even know, like 15 hour video thing about, marketing and about, the way that I teach marketing, which is understanding the essence of it, the philosophy of it, the science of it. So that whatever a new platform comes out, you're not just hearing me saying, Oh, make [00:47:00] sure that you make.

Use this trending audio on Instagram because that shit dies real quick. Like that, that kind of marketing content, marketing education content has a real hard expiration date. The way that I teach it, it's timeless principles and philosophies that you can apply to any marketing platform that there is. So if you want to learn it from me again, this Then, uh, I would encourage you to message me on Instagram at KristaBellaTravels and send the words Marketing Podcast.

Make sure that you spell it correctly. Marketing Podcast with both words. Don't just send the word marketing. Don't just send the word podcast. Send both words so that I know that you came from this one and then I will ask you a series of questions. It'll be automated. Okay. So, um, as soon as you send that, you'll get a little auto message from me.

That's like, Hey, thanks for listening to the podcast. I see that you're curious about the digital nomad life Academy. Tell me about yourself. And I [00:48:00] ask you like five questions about your life and your motivation and yada, yada, all that stuff, uh, where you are in the world. And that's just so that when I actually do see the message in real time, cause I'm all over the place with my time zone.

So I can't always be answering right away. If I see that you've answered the questions thoroughly and that you actually are giving me something to respond to, I will respond in a thoughtful way. And if I think that you're a great fit for the DNLA, I will tell you more about it. I'll invite you in. And if I sense that maybe it's not the right fit for you, like maybe there's another program or maybe you didn't fully understand what What the DNLA is, I would rather just tell you to go in a different direction and give you a different resource rather than inviting you into the DNLA.

Because as you heard, community is one of the strongest principles. And I just, it's really important to me that people who are the right vibe, um, are in the program. So you can trust me on this one that I [00:49:00] definitely will tell you if you're not the right fit and I will do my absolute best. to send you in the right direction if you're not, but if you're still listening to this episode and you're like, okay, Krista, I understand, I appreciate your expertise and the way that you teach and your philosophies and everything, then, you probably are the right fit.

I think that people who have given me like an hour of their time, like you just have, we probably share some kind of resonant frequency and I think that we should meet. So like I said, slide into my DMS at @christabellatravels on Instagram with the keyword marketing podcast. And let's talk about how you can be one of these inspiring people that's out here living your best, most authentic life, showing the world that a better, more authentic life is possible and manageable and that they are worthy of it.

And all you need, all that's standing in your way. is probably just a little bit of support. [00:50:00] So hopefully I see you in my DMS and if not, then I'll catch you in the next episode. Thank you. Bye.